🐍 Tapeworm has hatched! New multimedia plugin for Grasshopper!

Hi everyhody,

@antoinemaes and I have finally released our first Grasshopper plugin:

Tapeworm is a free and open source Grasshopper multimedia plugin for Windows and macOS, fully written in Python.
We use the free and open source FFmpeg project - a cross-platform command-line-based program for transcoding multimedia files -, and offer some of its functionality to Grasshopper users.

Screenshot 2021-03-11 at 15.32.33

Current Features:

  • create videos from image sequences
  • create image sequences from video
  • transcode between various image formats
  • rename entire image sequences
  • and much more!

Introductory Video:


We officially support Rhino 6 and later, but Tapeworm should work in any Rhino version that supports GHPython.

Feel free to take it for a spin! Feedback is welcome. :slight_smile:


Nice work!
When I first tried it, it froze Rhino when I placed the ‘FFmpeg Remote’ component, I think because it was having trouble finding the ffmpeg.exe file where I had it installed on a secondary drive. When I moved my ffpmeg to C:\Program Files it worked fine.


Exactly, our code only looks for an FFmpeg installation on C:\ for Windows users. However, you can customize the search path or even better hard-code/define a FFmpeg installation path inside Tapeworm/config.py, if you want to keep FFmpeg on another drive.

I have noted that this froze your canvas, when it should have only raised a component error for not finding the FFmpeg executable.
Sorry for that and thanks for reporting it! :slight_smile:


Screenshot 2021-05-17 at 13.21.27

:egg: Tapeworm v1.0.1 has hatched! :egg:

Bug Fixes:

  • non-zero-padded sequences starting at 1 failed the number sequence prediction, originally reported by food4rhino.com user dvdrbls (24/03/2021 - 05:56)
  • detection of multi-number sequence sequences reported more sequence numbers than actually present


  • added “Updating Tapeworm” guide
  • updated “FFmpeg Installation” guide with note for Windows users about installations on drives other than C:/, originally reported here by @DanielPiker

A special thanks to all the people that reported bugs or wrote supportive comments.

Available on Github and Food4Rhino!