Sweep1 is not sweeping all the way

The Sweep1 function is not sweeping through all my spiral, can someone advise as to why this is?

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.Geometry as rg

sw= rg.SweepOneRail()


a = rg.SweepOneRail.PerformSweep(sw, rail ,profile)

sweep1_bug.gh (6.7 KB)

A workaround could be to overshoot and split the result (?).

// Rolf

Thanks for the input but I’d much prefer get to the bottom of it.

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you mean to the top op it right? :wink:

I did some tests and this looks like a bug indeed.

:sweat_smile: Preferably, and it seems that rotating the profile so that the centre of the outermost curve lines up with the start of the spiral solves this issue.

The rhino command handles this correctly so still something is off



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