Sweep Geometry around closed curve not working in grasshopper

Hello, I just created a script to generate carpentry designs, but the script only works when the curve is open. Do you know why ?

Menuiserie2.gh (19.6 KB)
Menuiserie2.3dm (73.9 KB)

The section needs to be oriented on the curve seam and if the seam is on a corner it fails since it is usually perpendicular to a segment and not aligned in a miter plane.

The curve seam can be repositioned in Rhino or Grasshopper.

Menuiserie2.3dm (1.0 MB)

Menuiserie2.gh (20.6 KB)


Hi @Julien_B ,

I don’t exactly know the why but I suspect it has to do with closed curves and how it interprets a “seam”. If the closed curve has a “welded” seam for lack of a better word, it may not know where to start the Sweep Rail?

However, if you shatter the curve with a reparameterized evaluation point, it technically now is an “open” polyline despite it appearing closed, it now understands the “start” point and “end” point of your polyline and can sweep accordingly.

With a little brep clean up on the back end (merging coplanar faces) you will get the expected result.

Here’s a cluster to that effect for you (though its only a few nodes to add before and after the sweep component.

Cluster Internals:

Graph Space:

Model Space:

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Thank you so much ! Last question how can i do if i want to do in the same time for multiple curve like 2 or 3 close curve (of the line of the floor) ? Thank you so much in advance

Just posted where I “shattered” the curve at a seam point to achieve the same effect but glad to know that the curve seam component can handle it all much easier in a single pass.


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Hi @Julien_B , use @martinsiegrist update for the sweep logic but take a look at mine for sweeping multiple at once.

I just am getting a corner from your overall detail group collection, and then you graft the Sweep1 Rail and section inputs while leaving the Plane input a single item.

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When i do that i have a weird things :confused:

I try to progress in GH but not that easy

Hard to tell from the screenshot but looks like you need to graft your rail input

Please reupload your GH file for additional help as screenshots are too difficult to troubleshoot

Here are the files i try what you said but didnt work

Menuiserie2.3dm (70.6 KB)
Menuiserie2.gh (24.5 KB)

Hi @Julien_B ,

Your issue is mostly related to grafting and data tree organization.

Please see below definition where I have commented the logic at each step:

Graph Space:

Model Space:

20230822_Menuiserie2_Response_01b.gh (24.4 KB)

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Thanks so much ! :slight_smile:

You’re welcome!