Hi there! I am trying to get a surface across two curves that is the same all the way along. When I use Sweep2 it is not even. Is there another command I can use to achieve this? Thanks in advance.
River ring for help.3dm (1006.9 KB)
i am really not sure which part you want to sweep here so i am taking a wild guess and ask why you not just use PlanarSrf for it.
since all your sides are planar you can basically also use PlanarSrf. or use it for the sides and, join and use cap.
if that is not what you want you should take a bit more time in trying to explain your need a bit more.
Hi @encephalon, thanks for trying to guess.
I am trying to get that curved plane to be the same all the way across in the back, not the front. Right now it is bulging and not even, I am just wondering if there is any way to make that smoother!
Planes are not curved. Do you mean the curved surface?
If you want to control how Sweep2 connects two rails try using the Slash option.
Oh great! I didn’t know about that function. Thank you @davidcockey