SWAAN (Converts 2D contour plan into 3D mesh)

Here’s a plugin i made in python for grasshopper that could converts your 2D topographic plans into 3D mesh


Use SWAAN to “level-up” your design

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very nice!
does it have a way to specify which contours go down, or is it ever increasing?

like so

I assume 3S mesh in your topic title was a typo so I changed it to 3D mesh…

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It looks like it bases the height on the closest text to each line.

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Thanks for trying out my plugin.

Here’s the workflow of code -

A bounding box is created on every text.
Two points are created on diagonal ends of box.
Closest curve for each point is selected.
Text entities are converted into integer.
Min/Least integer value is subtracted from every integer to normalise values
Two curves on either end of each text are associated with this integer.
Curves are moved in z-axis wrt the integer
The displaced curves are divided into several points and a Delaunay Mesh is applied over the curves.
The smoothness bar indicates strength of curve division, lower the value smoother the mesh.

Here’s a flowchart of workflow -

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Yes, I’ve posted the workflow of code below for better understanding

Thank you

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very nice!
next step is to create smooth nurbs if possible. i can think of a few ways to do that


Yes please, i’d love to discuss about it with you