Does anyone know if Rhino handles surface parameters in a uniform way? I’m interested in how surfaces are handled, as i need to make a large set of mostly-planar surfaces all have the same UV orientation for a script. A couple questions:
- Do UV parameters follow a right/left-hand rule? i.e. if the U interval is increasing, does this always mean it is revolving about the surface Dir the same in all cases?
*edit: Just realized you can’t define a handedness for a parameter; it’s both.
- With fairly planar straight-edged surfaces, the UV intervals seem to be about equal to the length of their respective sides. Does Rhino do something like determine the longer of the edge pairs in a given direction, use that as the interval, and then map that to the shorter edge as well?
I’d also like to have a more intuitive understanding of UV mapping in general. Consider, for instance, a surface which is gaussian in X and Y. Will the UV mapping be like that of a topological contour map, i.e. denser values where dz/dx and dz/dy are higher? Is there ever an occasion where it would be more computationally helpful to map the surface with r and theta rather than U and V?
Thanks for any insight!