Quick question, cant seem to get reliable or working results with ‘locus’ evaluatio of surface
for Curve or surface, is no ‘re-parametrize’ functions in component menu
with surface, could not plug in the old xyz with domain (interval) of 0-1, reparam and then evaluate. Spent a while trying to work out how to write or specify locus for surface eval.
Am I missing something, if the locus is notational, cant find info on it.
Would rather have something that can be controlled parametrically where can I find an explanation of how to generate xyz locus, where x and y can be controlled as I would in gh2 using range and grafting on either x or y?
Hello @DavidRutten & @wim
Can you please help me with the notation that I need to evaluate surface locus.
Just can’t seem to get it working, tried manual notation, and xyz points.
Even the ‘locus’ parameter cant accept any typed values:
Just wont take key strokes.
I understand things are still in dev.
Hello Michael,
Thought I would tag you in this, perhaps you would know the answer.
I am able to drop in GH1 components to fill the void, however, have trouble setting the interval for the surface evaluation, and I want to be able to do it all using gh2.
Given actual interval say 0-50, 0-25, evaluation is just off the surface. 0-1 evaluates at the corner of the srf…
Sorry @arcade.smith, I’ve been terrible at keeping an eye on discourse as of late.
Surface Loci are certainly still very much unfinished, and indeed curve loci cannot be parsed from text yet. However you can convert both points and numbers straight into curve loci. If you use points, then the curve closest parameter will be found.
There are also two components for creating curve loci from lengths (as measured along the curve) and length-ratios.