I have this structure made of different sections. I want to add an envelope inside as if it was a prospector tent (see reference picture). I have gathered the points at each section (5 per section) in order to do a capped sweep or something (see circled part of the script at right). However, the points are not sorted correctly; when I try a polyline it’s all crossed instead of drawing the perimeter of the section. How could I easily create a volume that is enclosed in each section? I made an example directly in rhino to vizualize (sweep 2 then offsetsrf to make it fit in the structure)
you already have figured out all the geometries/curves you need to loft through the different sections to create the volumes, they are just a bit scattered around in the canvas
This can been solved for any “mess” pts collection but it could be a pointless reverse engineering waste of time (and the wrong way to deal with it).
At pts definition phase sample your 5 points in some rational manner (i.e. say ordered clockwise starting from LL - relative to “section” Plane - etc). By sample I mean use a higher order collection like a DataTree or a higher dim Array ([ ],[ ] or [ , ]). But in fact the latter is used solely when coding … so forget it.
Even if the pts are not ordered there’s various ways to put’m in order (like order by angle VS the centroid or a classic order along a curve [the Ccx between a fitted plane and a fitted Sphere]). But that is also waste of time.
Then is simply a matter of Looping the Branches.
Since I don’t use components nor add-ons I could provide a simple C# that does that (and if you like - as an option - the 3 as well).
So cool ! Thank you so much. The color display doesn’t work as I don’t have the volume element (says unknown plugin), but it doesn’t matter. The rotation is there because the sections are not always aligned perpendicular to the curve. I tried to retrieve the middle of the polyline angle and align the section to it, if it makes sense, but it doesn’t work so I adjust the sections manually.
have a look at this if you want, it’s a neatly simplified version -that no one asked for- of the very same definition
[I believe I didn’t use any plugin, and have replaced the Volume component with the old one btw, writing # + name of the component in R8 will find the old version!]
the_thing_no_one_asked_for.gh (23.9 KB)
[note: you’ll need to relink the initial Polyline from Rhino to have it working on your file if you want to give this a try]
it is organized the tidy way I like to tell I do things [but I almost never do] calculations in A, the data tree of all the points in B, and the rest of the stuff in C:
as it might be difficult to edit the right line of a Panel when you have many entries, Panels were replaced by Gene Pools: blue pools control sections recognizable with blue numbers like width, central-height and sides-height
Gene pools are all connected to a Shortest-List in such a way only as many Genes as number of section will work: if you have 10 sections, only the first 10 genes are used , changing the 11th and next ones will do nothing