SubD Gumball Location Off?

Has somebody else encountered this?

At some point when modelling a SubD the Gumball starts being totally off when selecting a single vertex.

At first I thought this had to do with SubD toggle between smooth and straight mode, but it is not.
My Gumball is set to World and I have already ran “Reset Gumball”.

Not sure how to reproduce as sometimes it works ok…

Hello- I have not seen this. Can you post that object?


Sure! Although I am no sure if it will come up on your end.

Probably it is one of those things that does not come up on other pcs or is solved after I restart Rhino or copy the object to another file. :man_shrugging:

subd to test.3dm (74.2 KB)

I’ve experienced this too some days ago.

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This should be fixed in the 8.5 service release candidate. I reported it a couple weeks ago but I’m not sure if the fix is in 8.4.

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