Split Surface Causing New Surface to Move Up?

I have a surface created from contours; it is a fairly simple surface, the maximum distance between valley and peak is about 40 feet. On top of the surface is a polysurface (a pathway) that must remain on top. I am trying to split the surface into three pieces so I can color each differently. One inside the pink curve, one between the pink and blue curves, and one outside the blue curve. I am using a vertical surface extruded from each curve as my splitting object. When I attempt to split the landform using the pink surface, for some reason part of the portion inside the curve ends up above the pathway, as if the pathway moved down or the inner surface moved up. When I try it with larger areas, the effect is lessened but not totally gone, i.e. using the black curve results in the least covering of the path, but still some of it is covered.

Screenshots and MWE are attached. Any tips or guidance on this issue, or another solution to coloring each portion separately, would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

MWE.3dm (1.4 MB)

Hi emm - you probably need to change the mesh settings so that the shaded version of the split surface is more accurate- the path object does intersect the ground object - a more accurate render mesh (DocumentProperties > Mesh page > Detailed controls > Maximum distance edge to surface setting.)


Hi Pascal, thanks for your quick response. The object I am using is a NURBS surface, not a mesh. However, I tried converting it to a mesh and changing the Maximum distance, edge to surface setting as you suggested. If I set it to a very small number (0.001 or 0.0001), the same issue happens. If I set it to a larger number (1 or 0.1), it splits as I would like, but the mesh itself loses a lot of definition. Thanks again for your help.

Hi Emm - shading the surface uses a mesh behind the scenes, that is what you are looking at in the rendered/shaded views. You may need a pretty fine render mesh in this case.
The main point is, the render mesh is different on the split out surface than on the larger one.