Split List into different sublists

Hello @all,
does anyone has a hint on this? I would like to split the list into several parts, based on the count of empty values. They can be different each time, so “partition list” is not an option because it is only possible to give it one value…

greetings kev

ok i guess its not the best way, but something like this… is there a component for this waay?

here is a solution with a c# script
splitList_csharp.gh (6.1 KB)

which plug-in do you use for the wire-display ?

kind regards - tom

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thanks for the code :slight_smile:

for the display…

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Do you have an example file where these emptys exist and can be saved to a data container? Writing them down in a Panel is not the same thing, and I would like to try my hand at something.

…why not giving Partition List multiple values? :slight_smile:

Partition_List_Multiple_Values.gh (13.9 KB)

Oh wait. These “emptys” are not the Remove Empty of the Clean Tree component. That would be a fully empty branch. :man_facepalming: