Spiral using List Item Not Working


I manage to make a spiral using some curves.

However when applying the same workflow on other curves, It did not work and I teared all of my hair trying to understand why.

My goal is is to have a curve moving through each other point from each curve like seen in file and image below (named Goal)
Goal.gh (14.4 KB)

However, it does not work in my problem file below where the curves undergo the same workflow…

please help.

Problem - Spiral using List Item.gh (18.9 KB)

There are Crv params in both your files that are not internalized, therefore not defined.

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For some reason I could not internalise the problem file, attached is the rhino file that goes with it. Also internalised goal file.

I would appreciate a response! thank you
problem.3dm (1.3 MB)
Problem - Spiral using List Item.gh (19.2 KB)
Goal.gh (13.7 KB)

@Joseph_Oster Could you please have a look at the updated file, thanks in advance!

Not a good sign.
Lots of duplicate curves.
Screenshot 2023-10-18 113445

Problem - Spiral using List Item.gh (58.0 KB)
here you go.

As @Ryan14 said do that in Rhino, select duplicate and delete them
Command: SelDup
Command: _Delete

You can then do that

Problem - Spiral using List Item.gh (48.8 KB)

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Thank you so much @laurent_delrieu and @Ryan14

Is there please an equivalent for select and remove duplicate commands in grasshopper to avoid having to bake my curves.

I would like to remove duplicate curves after generating them. Thank you!

Yes… But only very roughly.
There is the cull duplicate component that culls duplicate rays and points.
Screenshot 2023-10-18 123414

you can also use something like the combination that I used in my above solution (It culls duplicate z values) in with different values. it only operates on numbers though.
Screenshot 2023-10-18 124020

I have to wonder. How come the duplicate curves? Surely there is a way upstream to avoid this.