Slow Startup

Nope, no difference.

I have a similar problem. My file is opening slowly.
i have this:
(2.5280) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.16) - before Process Shell Commands
(23.1560) - Since Last Record = 20.6280 (%89.08) - after Process Shell Commands

Hi -

Is that when opening a specific file, or launching Rhino without an existing file?

When I open all the file (even not very large ones)
Textures are on an external drive, with rhino 5 they didn’t open so slowly, from average 10 seconds to about a minute…

Hi -
Please post a 3dm file and textures that we can take a look at.
Also, run the Rhino SystemInfo command and copy-paste the result here.

I tried to make a few changes. I removed the library path from the options and tried removing and putting back vray plugin into the settings. Now the opening times has returned to normal

out of curiosity, what is it:
before Process Shell Commands - after Process Shell Commands ?

Hi Steve,
how do I run -stopwatch ?
what is a start flag?


Hi Luca -

Either modify the existing Rhino icon on your desktop or a copy of that icon. Right-click → Properties → Target

“C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System\Rhino.exe” -stopwatch

(or paste that string in a Windows cmd.exe command line box).

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