Does starting in Safe Mode go faster?
If so, as a test, I’d disable all of the plug-ins that didn’t ship with Rhino, if for no other reason than to rule them out.
I do sort of half recall that there was a problem when Rhino was looking at mapped network drives that no longer existed. I haven’t heard of it for a long time.
Windows 10 (10.0.19044 SR0.0) or greater (Physical RAM: 32Gb)
Computer platform: DESKTOP
Standard graphics configuration.
Primary display and OpenGL: NVIDIA Quadro M4000 (NVidia) Memory: 8GB, Driver date: 5-23-2022 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 516.25
> Accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
- Windows Main Display attached to adapter port #0
OpenGL Settings
Safe mode: Off
Use accelerated hardware modes: On
Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On
Graphics level being used: OpenGL 4.6 (primary GPU’s maximum)
Anti-alias mode: 4x
Mip Map Filtering: Linear
Anisotropic Filtering Mode: High
Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
Render version: 4.6
Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
Driver Date: 5-23-2022
Driver Version:
Maximum Texture size: 16384 x 16384
Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
Maximum Viewport size: 16384 x 16384
Total Video Memory: 8 GB
Are you storing your files locally?
If they are on a cloud or in network storage, then maybe try this:
In Rhino Options > Advanced, set the following to True,
Any difference?
Maybe @stevebaer will have an idea why it’s so slow.
There is a -stopwatch
start flag that you can use to launch Rhino and have it print a log of times to the command history window. Try that and paste the results here. We can see if there is anything suspicious.
Blocking plug-in SimLab PDF Exporter.
(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0170) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.02) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.3360) - Since Last Record = 0.3190 (%0.47) - Post-initialize .net
(0.5740) - Since Last Record = 0.2380 (%0.35) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.5750) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(0.7220) - Since Last Record = 0.1470 (%0.22) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(0.7300) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.01) - before Create splash window
(0.7300) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after Create splash window
(0.7330) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.00) - construct CMainFrame
(0.8840) - Since Last Record = 0.1510 (%0.22) - after load CMainFrame
(1.6030) - Since Last Record = 0.7190 (%1.05) - after initialize license manager
(1.8640) - Since Last Record = 0.2610 (%0.38) - after loading of cursor resources
(1.8720) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.01) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(66.2220) - Since Last Record = 64.3500 (%94.21) - Pre auto load plugins
(66.2720) - Since Last Record = 0.0500 (%0.07) - Toolbars
(66.2750) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.00) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(66.2760) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(66.2930) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.02) - RDK:Initialize: start
(66.2930) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(66.3040) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.02) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(66.3040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(66.3040) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(66.3210) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.02) - RDK:Initialize: end
(66.3210) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(66.3210) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(66.3210) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(66.3570) - Since Last Record = 0.0360 (%0.05) - Renderer Development Kit
(66.5400) - Since Last Record = 0.1830 (%0.27) - Commands
(66.5470) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.01) - Snapshots
(66.5560) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.01) - Rhino Render
(66.6350) - Since Last Record = 0.0790 (%0.12) - RDK_EtoUI
(66.6420) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.01) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(66.7720) - Since Last Record = 0.1300 (%0.19) - RhinoCycles
(66.7810) - Since Last Record = 0.0090 (%0.01) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(66.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.01) - Displacement
(66.8210) - Since Last Record = 0.0340 (%0.05) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(66.8220) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - after load default render engine
(66.8250) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.00) - after CloseAllDocuments
(66.8570) - Since Last Record = 0.0320 (%0.05) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(66.8590) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.00) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(66.9210) - Since Last Record = 0.0620 (%0.09) - - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(66.9220) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.00) - - Start TryLoadRuiFile: C:\Users\Eric Jolley\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(67.5960) - Since Last Record = 0.6740 (%0.99) - - END TryLoadRuiFile
(67.5960) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(67.6250) - Since Last Record = 0.0290 (%0.04) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(67.6250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(67.6250) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(67.8520) - Since Last Record = 0.2270 (%0.33) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(67.8520) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(67.9120) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%0.09) - before Process Shell Commands
(68.2930) - Since Last Record = 0.3810 (%0.56) - after Process Shell Commands
(68.3040) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.02) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()
Command: _CommandHistory
That section of code deals with digging around in the registry to figure out the list of plug-ins that Rhino has available. I’m not sure why this is taking so long, but at least we have a clue as to where to look further.
I spoke too soon. Rhino now loads to the splash screen immediately, which is a change, but is then stuck on the splash screen with the message “Preparing Viewports” for a long time.
(0.0000) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - Create Stopwatch
(0.0180) - Since Last Record = 0.0180 (%0.40) - Pre-initialize .net
(0.3370) - Since Last Record = 0.3190 (%7.05) - Post-initialize .net
(0.5630) - Since Last Record = 0.2260 (%5.00) - after create and load AppSettings
(0.5640) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - before CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(0.7540) - Since Last Record = 0.1900 (%4.20) - after CRhWGLExtensions::InitWGLExtensions()
(0.7610) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.15) - before Create splash window
(0.7620) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after Create splash window
(0.7650) - Since Last Record = 0.0030 (%0.07) - construct CMainFrame
(0.8950) - Since Last Record = 0.1300 (%2.87) - after load CMainFrame
(1.6770) - Since Last Record = 0.7820 (%17.29) - after initialize license manager
(2.3780) - Since Last Record = 0.7010 (%15.50) - after loading of cursor resources
(2.3850) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.15) - after RegisterBuiltInCommands()
(2.4120) - Since Last Record = 0.0270 (%0.60) - Pre auto load plugins
(2.4600) - Since Last Record = 0.0480 (%1.06) - Toolbars
(2.4640) - Since Last Record = 0.0040 (%0.09) - RDK:CRhRdkRhinoPlugIn CTOR
(2.4640) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn
(2.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.0190 (%0.42) - RDK:Initialize: start
(2.4830) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after default registered properties
(2.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.0120 (%0.27) - RDK:Initialize: after default post effect plug-in factories
(2.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after adding internal extensions
(2.4950) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:Initialize: after conduits
(2.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0170 (%0.38) - RDK:Initialize: end
(2.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK Initialize
(2.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn: after RDK OnLoadRhinoPlugIn
(2.5120) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - RDK:OnLoadPlugIn - end
(2.5540) - Since Last Record = 0.0420 (%0.93) - Renderer Development Kit
(2.7400) - Since Last Record = 0.1860 (%4.11) - Commands
(2.7460) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.13) - Snapshots
(2.7560) - Since Last Record = 0.0100 (%0.22) - Rhino Render
(2.8370) - Since Last Record = 0.0810 (%1.79) - RDK_EtoUI
(2.8440) - Since Last Record = 0.0070 (%0.15) - Renderer Development Kit UI
(2.9800) - Since Last Record = 0.1360 (%3.01) - RhinoCycles
(2.9880) - Since Last Record = 0.0080 (%0.18) - 3Dconnexion 3D Mouse
(2.9940) - Since Last Record = 0.0060 (%0.13) - Displacement
(3.0330) - Since Last Record = 0.0390 (%0.86) - after create TabbedDockBarCollection
(3.0340) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after load default render engine
(3.0350) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - after CloseAllDocuments
(3.0560) - Since Last Record = 0.0210 (%0.46) - before LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(3.0580) - Since Last Record = 0.0020 (%0.04) - Start of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.1100) - Since Last Record = 0.0520 (%1.15) - - LoadToolBarFiles step 1
(3.1110) - Since Last Record = 0.0010 (%0.02) - - Start TryLoadRuiFile: C:\Users\Eric Jolley\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\7.0\UI\default.rui
(3.7570) - Since Last Record = 0.6460 (%14.28) - - END TryLoadRuiFile
(3.7570) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - - LoadToolBarFiles step 2
(3.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0300 (%0.66) - End of C# LoadToolBarFiles
(3.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after m_pCallbacks->LoadToolBarFiles
(3.7870) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after RunLoadToolbars
(4.0620) - Since Last Record = 0.2750 (%6.08) - after RunPostLoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.0620) - Since Last Record = 0.0000 (%0.00) - after LoadToolBarsAndRestoreDockBarPositionAndStates
(4.1220) - Since Last Record = 0.0600 (%1.33) - before Process Shell Commands
(4.5130) - Since Last Record = 0.3910 (%8.64) - after Process Shell Commands
(4.5240) - Since Last Record = 0.0110 (%0.24) - CRhStopWatch::ShowReport()
So the strange thing is even though stopwatch reports total ellapsed time of a little over 4 seconds, the splash screen stays up with the “Preparing Viewports” message until 1:10.0