Singularity Filleting Problem?

Hi folks,
I have no doubt this has come up and been explained before. The attached model contains what I think you call a “singluarity” where several edges meet at a single point that is both an inside and outside corner. I’m trying to fillet this form on all edges with a .125" fillet. Can anyone guide me on how to accomplish this?

Blend Problem 1.3dm (135.0 KB)

Thanks for the help with this.

Michael Deimen

Blend Problem 1.3dm (677.4 KB) Using Xnurbs and some srf fillet is what I cam up with.-Mark

I nominate @sgreenawalt for this one! :wink:

I nominate Solidworks! I kid, I kid…I’ll take a look at it later lol.

Hi Michael - the all-fillets answer is something like this:

Using FilletSrf to make new fillets on top of what FilletEdge gets you (a gap at that corner - that is not a ‘singularity’ in Nurbs-speak btw, that is a different thing)



and then trimming it in. The key is to get the blue fillet between the red surfaces, here:


CornerFilletExample.3dm (119.0 KB)


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This looks like the direction I was heading, but I’m not sure how you built the surface. Is there any way you can tell me the steps you went through?


Michael Deimen

Here is my version using filletsrf
Blend Problemx.3dm (177.8 KB)

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I exploded your polysurface, then used FilletSrf on the three surfaces. Split those newly made fillets at the junctions. Then used the plugin, Xnurbs to build the 5 sided surface. —Mark

One more option for ya, lol - I made the primary blends so that they met and the final hole was only 4 sided. Created a surface with Edge Curves, and then matched, up the degree and refined it till I had what I wanted. It’s a G1 (tangent) solution. This approach doesn’t require any 3rd party plugins, but definitely requires a bit more work/finesse.

Blend Problem 1_SGVersion.3dm (288.3 KB)


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Ok, I’ll have to look into Xnurbs. Haven’t loaded that yet. Thanks for the heads up.


Michael D.

Hi Michael - just keep in mind that this is perfectly possible, though sometimes a puzzle, using only filleting - which may be an advantage in itself, there is no tricky surfacing to do - and only native Rhino tools.


Thanks Jim,

I’ve gotten out of the habit of using filletsrf. I usually reach for the Fillet Edges tool. I’ll give it a try.


Michael D.

Very crafty sir. Good thinking, I like it!

Thanks for the help with it,


Michael D.

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Hi Pascal,

You were the quickest with an answer I understood, so I tried your approach first. It worked fine.

Thanks for the help with it!


Michael D.

Blend Problem 1 (1).3dm (953.1 KB)
These are not rolling ball corners , but Xnurbs does them .–Mark