Sharp or round corner curves prior to loft

Hello everyone,

I would like to find the consensus on which approach is better to achieve a rounded corner for a beveled detail surface. This work process can also be applied to blend surfaces or any surface creation functions

1st approach: sharp corners in drawn curves then apply the fillet command after lofting or…

2nd approach: fillet corners corners in drawn curves then loft.

Also, what’s the difference between fillet edge vs. blend edge? Are the results fairly identical?


Hello- 1st approach will get you ‘proper’ rolling ball fillets with FilletSrf or FilletEdge, whereas the section of the fillets will not be an arc in the 2nd. If that does not matter, I am not sure there is a preference without knowing more about the design intent. I would be inclined to approach 1, myself. If you fillet the curves, I would make sure to run DivideAlingCreases > SplitAttangents=Yes on the resulting object - see Help.

FIlletEdge makes a rolling ball, arc-section fillet, BlendEdge finds the rails the same way but sticks a G2 curvature continuous surface in, rather than arc shaped.


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Thanks for your input Pascal. Much appreciated.