I’m encountering an issue with Rhino 7 on our network.
After investigating a bug, I discovered that the shaded mode with rendering material causes the viewport to freeze. We use 2K to 4K materials in our network, and I’m wondering if that might be the cause of the problem.
When the shaded mode is switched to Object color, the performance is smooth.
Is there a way to reduce the texture material quality within the viewport itself? I would appreciate a solution to this.
In a very quick test, I can’t reproduce that behavior here. I see you have a Rhino 8 license as well; does this also happen with your file in Rhino 8? If so, please post a simple sample 3dm file that we can use to reproduce this issue. We’ll likely need the output from the Rhino SystemInfo command from your machine as well.
Thanks for prompt response. We’re sticking to Rhino 7 as of now and we haven’t tried it with Rhino 8.
Attaching a we-transfer link here. I think if there’s an option to reduce the resolution of the texture, it shall do. The file size and texture size is almost 50-50