Does anyone have code snippet how to
- select multiple groups in rhino
- return output would be a list of lists where each list contains the guids of objects in a group
Does anyone have code snippet how to
Problem is, objects can be in several groups and groups can be nested… Gets complicated.
And there is no way to get a tree or nested list of lists representations?
I have hard time to understand how to even reference in python the top most main groups. Since all the group are selected:
go = Rhino.Input.Custom.GetObject()
go.GroupSelect = True
print(go.GetMultiple(1, 0))
For example how can I select groups: A, C, D and store all their child objects in lists.
Hi @Petras_Vestartas ,
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import itertools
def build_universal_group_dict(selected_objects):
group_dict = {}
object_group_map = {}
def update_group(full_name, simple_name, parent):
if full_name not in group_dict:
group_dict[full_name] = {
'name': simple_name,
'parent': parent,
'children': set(),
'objects': set()
if parent and group_dict[full_name]['parent'] is None:
group_dict[full_name]['parent'] = parent
for obj in selected_objects:
groups = rs.ObjectGroups(obj)
object_group_map[obj] = set()
if groups:
for grp in groups:
grp_name = grp if grp.strip() != "" else "(unnamed)"
parts = [p if p.strip() != "" else "(unnamed)" for p in grp_name.split("\\")]
full_chain = []
parent = None
for part in parts:
if full_chain:
full_name = "\\".join(full_chain)
full_name = part
update_group(full_name, part, parent)
if parent:
parent = full_name
ungrouped = "Ungrouped"
update_group(ungrouped, "Ungrouped", None)
return group_dict, object_group_map
def compute_shared_elements(object_group_map):
shared_dict = {}
for obj, groups in object_group_map.items():
if len(groups) > 1:
sorted_groups = sorted(groups)
for combo in itertools.combinations(sorted_groups, 2):
if combo not in shared_dict:
shared_dict[combo] = set()
return shared_dict
def print_universal_structure(group_dict, shared_dict):
print("Universal Group Structure:")
for group_full, info in sorted(group_dict.items()):
print("Group: " + group_full)
print(" Simple Name: " + info['name'])
print(" Parent: " + (info['parent'] if info['parent'] is not None else "None"))
if info['children']:
print(" Children: " + ", ".join(sorted(info['children'])))
print(" Children: None")
print(" Objects: " + str(list(info['objects'])))
print("\nShared Elements Between Groups:")
if shared_dict:
for groups_pair, objs in sorted(shared_dict.items()):
print("Groups: " + " & ".join(groups_pair) + " share objects: " + str(list(objs)))
print("No shared elements found among groups.")
def infer_group_hierarchy(group_dict):
inferred_parents = {}
groups = list(group_dict.keys())
for group in groups:
inferred_parents[group] = None
objs = group_dict[group]['objects']
candidates = []
for other in groups:
if other == group:
other_objs = group_dict[other]['objects']
if objs.issubset(other_objs) and objs != other_objs:
diff = len(other_objs) - len(objs)
candidates.append((other, diff))
if candidates:
parent = min(candidates, key=lambda x: x[1])[0]
inferred_parents[group] = parent
return inferred_parents
def build_inferred_tree(inferred_parents):
tree = {group: {"children": []} for group in inferred_parents}
roots = []
for group, parent in inferred_parents.items():
if parent:
return roots, tree
def print_inferred_tree(tree, node, group_dict, indent=0):
print(" " * indent + "- " + node + " (" + group_dict[node]['name'] + ")")
for child in sorted(tree[node]["children"]):
print_inferred_tree(tree, child, group_dict, indent + 4)
def main():
objs = rs.GetObjects("Select objects")
if not objs:
print("No objects selected.")
group_dict, object_group_map = build_universal_group_dict(objs)
shared_dict = compute_shared_elements(object_group_map)
print_universal_structure(group_dict, shared_dict)
inferred_parents = infer_group_hierarchy(group_dict)
roots, tree = build_inferred_tree(inferred_parents)
print("\nHierarchical Group Tree (inferred based on object inclusion):")
for root in sorted(roots):
print_inferred_tree(tree, root, group_dict)
Keep up the good work with OpenNest, you’re awesome
Petras.3dm (68.7 KB)
Thank you a lot
This will be very useful for me.