Select every objects in a script

Hi, i want to know how to select every object with rhinoscript, like doing a Ctrl + A, i tried this whitout succes :

Dim arrObjects
arrObjects = Rhino.AllObjects
Rhino.SelectObjects arrObjects


Try to use NormalObjects to avoid passing locked or hidden objects

	Dim arrObjects
	arrObjects = Rhino.NormalObjects
	Rhino.SelectObjects arrObjects

Does this help?

Thank you for your answer but i finnaly figured it out minutes after i posted.
I just used Rhino.Command("ToutSelectionner") (french for SelectAll)

I think all you need to do is enclose arrObjects with parenthesis.

Dim arrObjects
arrObjects = Rhino.AllObjects
Rhino.SelectObjects (arrObjects)

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@DanBayn, his syntax is correct.

You can do this:

Dim arrObjects
arrObjects = Rhino.AllObjects
Rhino.SelectObjects arrObjects

or this:

Dim arrObjects
arrObjects = Rhino.AllObjects
Call Rhino.SelectObjects(arrObjects) 

– Dale

Yes, now I recall using Call. I guess I’ve been away from VB for too long.


you can also just use the first argument of Rhino.AllObjects to select without the need of calling Rhino.SelectObjects. Below will also include light objects (the second argument):

Dim arrObjects
Rhino.AllObjects True, True, False
