Select any objects matching

Still no select simillar in Rhino?
I am cleaning a drawing to serve as a basis for some modeling and all the curves are in the same layer with different colors. I wanted to select based on the color, any way to do that?

Hello- SelColor is it.


Thank you for sharing those two scripts! Hard to believe that there are no such vital selection tools in Rhino by default. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Iā€™ll bump this since Iā€™ve been running into it in my own workflow. It seems like all of these scripts which select based on orientation to construction plane, print-width, geometry, etc. could be compiled into a SelSimilar command with a series of options. I second (third, fourth?) the wish.

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FWIW My 2d Cad interface worked this way. It is one feature I really miss.

Here I have hit ā€œselect filterā€ and then hit the = in the menu; clicked on the dimension. The left fields have been populated and then hit OK.

From there I can select every linear dimension (in this case) - select all
All Linear dimension in a window
or on a layer
Or select out a colour or layer for a subgroup of linear dimensions.

Hi Helvetosaur! Thank you so much for the rhino scripts they are super helpful! The ā€œFindSimilarVolumesā€ one is pretty much exactly what I need, except that I canā€™t figure out how to change the script for it to have a higher tolerance with the size difference the volumes are allowed to have. Can you give me a hint were and how I can change it? Thanks a lot!

hi @Studio22 ,
in the start of the script you will find:

def FindSimilarVolumes():
    #can tighten or loosen tolerance

if you replace sc.doc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance with a number, you can define your own tolerance.