scriptCircle creation script

automatically create circles at points like on the image? Help me.

I have 2 ways that I often have to do, please help me.

Image didn’t upload yet!

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Maybe this script can help… (735 Bytes)


I don’t understand why, I can’t upload photos

Thank! but I don’t see it running and how does it work?

Select the points, start the script (or start the script and select the points, doesn’t matter), enter the desired radius at the command line and Enter. Circles will be made at every selected point. They need to be real point objects, not control points. The circles are made in a plane parallel to the active view’s CPlane.

Seeing the edit in the first post, @pascal has a “dogbone” script.

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Hello- - see if this helps-


Thank you, if you can do it, it will take a lot of time