I’m starting to create scripts with grasshopper and Eto, but I’m having some problems, I need help, I have some problems with Eto and Rhino closes when I try to run the preview
import Rhino
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import Rhino.UI
import Eto.Drawing as drawing
import Eto.Forms as forms
import ghpythonlib.components as ghcomp
import Rhino.Geometry as rg
class CirculosInterface(forms.Form):
def __init__(self):
self.Title = "Generate Circles"
self.ClientSize = drawing.Size(300, 200)
self.curva_input = None
self.preview_output = None
self.final_output = None
self.count_label = forms.Label(Text="Number of Points")
self.count_box = forms.NumericUpDown(Value=10, MinValue=1, MaxValue=100)
self.radius_label = forms.Label(Text="Radius of Circles:")
self.radius_box = forms.NumericUpDown(Value=1, MinValue=0.1, MaxValue=10)
self.seed_label = forms.Label(Text="Seeds:")
self.seed_box = forms.NumericUpDown(Value=1, MinValue=1, MaxValue=100)
self.preview_button = forms.Button(Text="Preview")
self.preview_button.Click += self.on_preview_click
self.generate_button = forms.Button(Text="Generate")
self.generate_button.Click += self.on_generate_click
layout = forms.DynamicLayout()
layout.Spacing = drawing.Size(5, 5)
layout.AddRow(self.count_label, self.count_box)
layout.AddRow(self.radius_label, self.radius_box)
layout.AddRow(self.seed_label, self.seed_box)
layout.AddRow(self.preview_button, self.generate_button)
self.Content = layout
def on_preview_click(self, sender, e):
count = int(self.count_box.Value)
radius = float(self.radius_box.Value)
seed = int(self.seed_box.Value)
if self.curva_input is None:
self.curva_input = rs.GetObject("Select a curve", rs.filter.curve)
if self.curva_input:
curva = rs.coercecurve(self.curva_input)
points = ghcomp.PopulateGeometry(curva, count, seed)
if self.preview_output:
preview_circles = []
for pt in points:
plane = rg.Plane(pt, rg.Vector3d.ZAxis)
circle = rg.Circle(plane, radius)
self.preview_output = preview_circles
def on_generate_click(self, sender, e):
count = int(self.count_box.Value)
radius = float(self.radius_box.Value)
seed = int(self.seed_box.Value)
if self.curva_input:
curva = rs.coercecurve(self.curva_input)
points = ghcomp.PopulateGeometry(curva, count, seed)
goals = []
for pt in points:
goal = ghcomp.SphereCollide(pt, radius, 1)
curve_goal = ghcomp.CurvePointCollide(points, curva, True, 1)
result = ghcomp.KangarooSolver(goals, True, 0.1, 10)
result_points = result[0]
if self.final_output:
final_circles = []
for pt in result_points:
plane = rg.Plane(pt, rg.Vector3d.ZAxis)
circle = rg.Circle(plane, radius)
self.final_output = final_circles
form = CirculosInterface()
form.Owner = Rhino.UI.RhinoEtoApp.MainWindow