RunPythonScript always opens explorer asking me to select the file?

> -RunPythonScript “D:\RhinoScript\”

I’ve tried every different folder location as well different ways to type the rest of the command but always have that explorer window asking me to choose which file I want…

What am I doing wrong?

If you use quotes around your path, these need to be straight quotes and not slanted.

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Sweet. removing those quotes did the trick… every post here says to use them so.

Okay so they should be the non slanted ones… Not sure how to make those on my keyboard.
But hmm, I tried to copy from others and thereby I’m 99% certain that I used their quotes as well, with the same result

If you haven’t got any spaces in your path the quotes aren’t needed. But otherwise you do.

Ah alright. Thanks!

Discourse automatically changes straight quotes to curly ones, unless the text is in a code block. Always be careful when copying any text from here. Some other word processing programs do the same.

Oh that’s good to know! had no idea :slight_smile: thanks