Running Rhino/GH as a Service

I know many people here know about these, but there are so many emerging technologies here it is worth reviewing a few.

Rhino 7 additions that help support batch commands:

  1. Compute - Rhino/GH as a service
  2. Rhino3DM Client Libraries to pass Geometry as JSON without the need for Rhino ( rhino3dm.js).
  3. GrasshopperPlayer in Rhino 7 (Compute or Desktop)
  4. New context sensitive input components for development and deployment of Grasshopper definitions on both desktop cloud and other platforms.
  5. Placeholder capability of Grasshopper components that allow definitions to edited across multiple contexts.

Online Cloud platforms:

  1. Shapediver allows some of this.
  2. Swarm from TT Core Studio
  3. Hypar
  4. I know there are more…

And of course on the desktop, you can use your own application framework to can into Rhino.Inside and Grasshopper as a DLL and run simple batch commands from there.