Hi. Using Rhinoscript - I need to force a redraw of several hundred object’s custom render mesh without redrawing the screen. Dale recently tipped me off to using “Rhino.BoundingBox” to force a redraw of an object’s render mesh, but this has no effect on a custom object mesh because a mesh already exists to measure the bounds. Is there any way to do this, without redrawing the screen?
Hi Dale. I wrote a plugin which auto-populates objects with child objects. In my most recent version, I’ve assigned custom render meshes to the child objects to speed things up. But in older files, the child objects do not have custom render meshes. So when someone runs the plugin on an older file, it now updates the child objects with the optimized render mesh properties. The only problem is that the render meshes don’t regenerate unless they are in the viewport bounds. My current workaround is to adjust the camera to fit the objects, call Rhino.Redraw and then return camera to starting position. But this causes the screen to jump which can be off-putting to the user…