rs.GetObjectEx() seems to be broken in 8.14 IronPython

Hi all,
I’m getting the following error message with rs.GetObjectEx() in IronPython in Rhino 8 SR 14:

File “C:\Users\axelj.rhinocode\py27-rh8\site-rhinopython\rhinoscript\”, line 333, in GetObjectEx
File “C:\Users\axelj.rhinocode\py27-rh8\site-rhinopython\rhinoscript\”, line 276, in init
NameError: global name ‘_CustomGetObjectEx__CustomGetObjectEx’ is not defined
IronPython.Runtime.UnboundNameException: global name ‘_CustomGetObjectEx__CustomGetObjectEx’ is not defined

I’m using the ScriptEditor

Is this a known issue?

Many thanks

I don’t see that here. Can you try resetting runtime?

Hi Gijs,
I restarted Rhino and did some more digging.
The error only shows up when I pass a list of guids through the objecs= option of rs.GetObjectEx(). It’s a Python list (not IEnumerable or some other .net list). This used to work in R7.

arrow_guids = rs.ObjectsByLayer(self.const_arrow_layer)
msg = 'Pick arrow shape'
flt = rs.filter.hatch | rs.filter.surface | rs.filter.mesh
arrow = rs.GetObjectEx(msg, filter=flt, preselect=False, select=False, objects=arrow_guids)[0]


@axa got it, thanks for reporting.
RH-85381 rs.GetObectEx fails when objectlist is supplied

Thank you, Gijs