Right sidebar sizing problems

I have the similar problem with right sidebar in Windows version. Any suggestion how to solve it?

Hello - what, exactly, is the problem you see in Windows Rhino? Please run SystemInfo in Rhino and post the results…


Hello, see the attached file.
SystemInfo.txt (2.8 KB)

My problem is with sizing of sidebar. At first start of Rhino it is good, and resizing is fine. But whenever I click at Properties tab, and V-ray - the scroll bar appears on top of every other tab. Some of arrows or buttons are behind it, and resize of sidebar does not help.

Hello - does this behavior go away if you block VRay (Uncheck ‘enabled’ in Options > Plug-ins page) and then close and restart Rhino?


Hello, the problem with always visible scrollbar is gone (without V-ray), but some tabs are stretched behind the right border (Thickness, Edge Softening and Shut lining). Screens attached.