Rhsh - "Rhino Shell" aka new command line interface

I want to create a rhino shell (“rhsh”) - an interface for rhino that would let you easily automate it from command line.

e.g. rhsh 'box 0,0,0 10 10 | explode | extrude 10; save 'exploded box'' to create an exploded box, transform it and save to a file. I’m wondering if it would make sense to abstract what SelLast does into a | pipe.

And running rhsh would just open rhino in “interactive mode” and commands typed into the terminal would be translated into Rhino’s native command line.

I reckon that with autocompletion this could be a really cool feature for advanced users.

Hey @Winer have you taken a look at the Rhino.Inside console sample? That might provide a good start towards what you’re looking for.

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