Rhinolands Feature Request: Improved Slope Annotations

Re. the Slope annotation tool.


Some queries & requests:

  1. I would like to be able to choose how the slope is expressed. In the UK (in my orbit at least) we commonly express slopes as ratios “1:21” or “1 in 21”.

  2. I would like to be able to control the accuracy of the slope annotation (i.e. how many decimal places it is expressed to either as a percentage or a ratio). It would be convenient to be able to define annotation styles in the properties explorer.

  3. In some ways I like the ‘Select Path Curve’ approach. An annotation bugbear in Revit is that the point slope annotation always orients itself in the direction of maximum slope. Useful in some situations but this isn’t always what one wants to indicate. So it’s nice to have more control over what one is measuring/indicating/the direction of the annotation. But surely a more straightforward default functionality is for the tool to find and annotate the gradient between two user selected points? This is how the LandArchTools ‘Calculate the Grade between Two Points’ tool is set up. The ‘Select Path Curve’ approach could then be a command line option.

  4. Maybe I’m missing something but I can’t get my head around how the Polyline, Spline, Circle, Arc and Rectangle command line options are supposed to be used. Not user friendly on a first try but perhaps some more in depth documentation (video tutorials?) would help. Please point me to these if they already exist.


Thanks, we take note!

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Hi @hughecchapman , Thank you very much for your well-explained feedback. We initially relied on the basic functions of Rhino drawing to create slope lines, which default to elements like polylines and circles. However, we understand these do not function as true slope indicators. We’ll work on improving this feature.

We’ve also taken note of the other points you mentioned. Please don’t hesitate to share any further feedback with us.

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