Hello all,
I am just confused about the difference between the Transform.ChangePlane vs the Transform.PlaneToPlane.
Under the hood, this is what we have:
// Summary:
// Computes a change of basis transformation. A basis change is essentially a remapping
// of geometry from one coordinate system to another.
// Parameters:
// plane0:
// Coordinate system in which the geometry is currently described.
// plane1:
// Target coordinate system in which we want the geometry to be described.
// Returns:
// A transformation matrix which orients geometry from one coordinate system to
// another on success. Transform.Unset on failure.
public static Transform ChangeBasis(Plane plane0, Plane plane1)
Transform xf = Identity;
if (!UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_Xform_PlaneToPlane(ref xf, ref plane0, ref plane1, rotation: false))
return Unset;
return xf;
// Summary:
// Create a rotation transformation that orients plane0 to plane1. If you want to
// orient objects from one plane to another, use this form of transformation.
// Parameters:
// plane0:
// The plane to orient from.
// plane1:
// the plane to orient to.
// Returns:
// The translation transformation if successful, Transform.Unset on failure.
public static Transform PlaneToPlane(Plane plane0, Plane plane1)
Transform xf = Identity;
UnsafeNativeMethods.ON_Xform_PlaneToPlane(ref xf, ref plane0, ref plane1, rotation: true);
return xf;
Both are calling the same native method, with the difference of the rotation being true or false. So I did the following simple code:
// Test:
Plane ptest = new Plane(
new Point3d(50, 50, 50),
new Vector3d(StaticExtension.random.NextDouble(), StaticExtension.random.NextDouble(), StaticExtension.random.NextDouble()));
Transform planetoplane = Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, ptest);
Transform changebasis = Transform.ChangeBasis(ptest, Plane.WorldXY);
Point3d p_planetoplane = new Point3d(StaticExtension.random.NextDouble(), StaticExtension.random.NextDouble(), StaticExtension.random.NextDouble());
Point3d p_changebasis = p_planetoplane;
This is what I see in the debug window:
If you canât see, note:
1- The Transform objects returned have the same values in the matrix. THE SAME. Even planetoplane == changebasis.
2- Well, then obviously the point transformed results are the sameâŚ
Is this really the expected behaviour? Is this a special case of some sort?
The description of the methods is ultra confusing, specially because BOTH versions have from/to, and they return the same matrix but in one case my ptest is the from and in the other it is the to.
From my tests, say you have something like a planar curve that you draw programatically on the WorldXY so that it is easier, then you want to orient it to at a given plane targetplane.
In this case, you may either - they are the same transformation
Transform.PlaneToPlane(Plane.WorldXY, targetPlane) - This one makes sense because the curve is on the WorldXY and you want it to be in the targetPlane. From/To are ok.
Transform.ChangeBasis(targetPlane, Plane.WorldXY) - Could you please help me understand what is going from the targetPlane to the WorldXY in this case?