RhinoCommon - CurveCurve and CurveLine intersection not accurate

Hello dear Rhino colleagues,

I am working on alignment (curve) import from XML (civil engineering thing). I need to calculate
curve Z coordinate according to curve stationing (calculated from XY curve projection).
For some time, I use Intersection.CurveCurve method, where first curve is curve where Z coordinate needs to be calculated. Second curve is a Curve/Line, with an origin in the proper stationing (according to XY curve projection) and Z axis direction.

For the first time, intersection points are not accurate (up to 15 mm diference from correct Z coordinate).

  • My tolerance is usually set to 0.000001;
  • I also tried to set tolerance as Rhino.RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance value.
  • In most cases calculation was accurate.
  • I did try use CurveCurve and CurveLine intersection method, both resulted in same error.
  • If I do same thing with grasshoper I get right Z coordinate.

After two days of coding and error search I am quite desperate. In previous project error was below 1 mm and it is sufficient. But this time, it is quite high.

So my question is, can anyone help me to solve the error or find another solution to calculated Z coordinate?

Thanks a lot


If your Curves (in some crvList) are planar (up to some tol) their order (min to max Z) is just one line of code:

crvList = crvList.OrderBy(x=>x.PointAtStart.Z).ToList();

(or add GroupBy as well if there’s Crvs with the same Z (up to tol)).

Say like this primitive thingy:

Curve_OrderByGroupBy_V1.gh (10.7 KB)

Note: if you want crv Indices … in order to avoid the very expensive IndexOf Method you’ll need a proper Class (where Properties monitor crv, crv pt Z and crv Index).

If they are not planar … well … the above is a bit ambiguous (but then the Ccx way is also ambiguous).

You can do this with components as well (a classic sync Array Sort [points Z values [K], curves [A]]).

@PeterFotiadis thank you for reply.

I am not sure if I understand you correctly (I do not see a point in your answer), but my goal is to calculate point on curve (curve is in XZ plane) which corresponds (has similar X coordinate) to a point on the curve’s projection to XY plane at selected distance. So the lengths of the original XY and projection curve are different.

So my approach is to get point on the curves XY projection with Curve.PointAtLenght method. Construct line/curve in Z direction from this point and calculate intersection (with Intersection.Curve.Curve or Intersection.CurveLine method) of the original curve in XZ plane and constructed line/curve.

So far this approach worked errorless and final Point was calculated correctly (I used my component in many projects). But for the first time, Z coordinates are not accurate (mistake is more than 12 mm which is very high for civil engineering). And do not know why.

All is done with C# in VS. It seems as the Intersection.CurveCurve or Intersection.CurveLine methods fails to get proper point in this case. But I cannot change behavior of this API method.



I work with R5 (for the very limited real-life usage that R/GH have in the practice … R5 is more than enough) so I don’t know if newer builds have Ccx issues.

Anyway check this as well:

Curve_CCX_LineCurve_V1.gh (9.9 KB)

Thank you, I tried R7 and R6 releases and there is no difference. As I wrote, this behaviour occurred for the first time. Other imports still work. I will try to “overcode” this issue (create surface from original curve and then do intersection. Hope it will help.

Honestly, I hoped someone from McNeel will answer my call. :grinning:


Without a sample file demonstrating the problem, it’s really difficult to expect someone to try and imagine the problem. To get a useful response, I’d always suggest uploading a minimal file demonstrating the issue, as well as an image so you can access the expertise of anyone following along in a phone

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Anyway … if Ccx is not trustworthy … as Plan B try (even in the name of science) using a clasic bounch solver approach for finding crv pts with a given coordinate (within tolerance). I.e. divide the curve, find the segment(s) where start/end pts yield the min diff … then recursively subdivide … blah, blah. This approach is used as well , say, for finding tangents (i.e. t values) with a given direction etc etc.

A sample that demonstrates the issue you are seeing would help us figure out what is going on.


First, let me thank all you guys,

for your interest, advices and discussion.
I will try Plan B, division of curve to segments. It is more clever then using surfaces. I will also send images and files. Sorry for only words and no images and files. However, I am on a holiday with my family, so it takes me a week before I get back to my office and pc.

Again, thank you all.


In The Name of Science, then.

Here’s an entry level Recursive approach (BTW: a classic Bounce(*) solver is not in fact required [see the break in the Method] - but is a must for other cases).

(*) This is a classic Bounce solver thing: given Curves (thus BrepFaces) “slice” them (user controls the dir Vector)… where the sum of Face Areas per “slice” is some given target value (obviously within some tol).

@stevebaer thank you for reaching me.

I will try to clear my problem I occurs once more.

What we are doing:
I work as a bridge engineer and we use parametric design for bridge design. Before we start project, we ask road designer for some inputs. Mostly it is alignment (3D road axis). However, most of the civil softwares work with the LandXML (.xml) format which is easily transferable. Therefore, we developed our .gha library which is capable to import LandXML file and create a very accurate 3D curve (alignment). Bridge shape is derived from that alignment, therefore we need very accurate and smooth curve.

How LandXML file is imported:
Alignment in LandXML file is written as a two lists of mathematical definitions (circular arcs, transition curves, straight line etc.) for road profile (vertical profile of road axis) and road axis in plan (projection of road axis to XY plan). Therefore, file is read, each subcurve in both lists is “recreated” from mathematical definition. Result of this routine are two separated curves (vertical profile and plan axis).

First curve is planar (vertical profile) and located in XZ plane near origin.
Second curve (plan projection) is planar as well and is located in XY plane in world coordinates according to coordination system (relatively in long distance from origin).

Final step - creation of final 3D curve
In this stage we need to create a final single one curve (3D curve) from both curves. It is done by flowing vertical profile over plan projection. This step is done by following routine (we do not use FlowSpaceMorph Class ):

  • Length of vertical profile curve’s planar projection is calculated
  • Based on a step value (component’s input) points in the X axis is created. These points represents points in different stationing (in civil engineering stationing in road is calculated according to 2D plan projection not real 3D road axis).
  • From these points vertical (in the direction if Z axis) lines are created. Each lines intersect profile curve at some point.
  • Intersection of the profile curve and each vertical line is calculated (with CurveCurve or CurveLine intersection method). From obtained intersection event we retrieve a Z coordinate of intersection point. At this point we have a elevations of the road axis in defined stationings.
  • We calculate points at defined stationing from second curve (plan projection) with and obtain X and Y coordinates. This is done with Curve.PointAt Method
  • Together with Z coodinate from profile curve we have a list of points which defines final 3D curve. This curve is done with Curve.CreateInterpolatedCurve Method

This approach worked so far. But for the first time we observed that Z coodinate in fourth step is calculated incorrectly. After investigation I have found that CurveCurve or CurveLine “fails” to correctly calculate Z coordinate of intersection point. If this approach is done with native components in Grasshopper Z coordinates are correct.

Here is part of my C# code with flowing routine. I am not a pro-coder so code can be little unreadable in some parts.

private SortedList<int,Point3d> FlowCurve(Curve Original, Curve Final_shape)
if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return new SortedList<int, Point3d>(); }

        //Transform X_project = Transform.PlanarProjection(new Plane(new Point3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(0, 0, 1)));
        //Curve Vertical_alignment_projection = Original.DuplicateCurve();
        Curve Vertical_alignment_projection = new Line(new Point3d(Original.PointAtStart.X, Original.PointAtStart.Y, Original.PointAtStart.Y), new Point3d(Original.PointAtEnd.X, Original.PointAtEnd.Y, Original.PointAtEnd.Y)).ToNurbsCurve();

        SortedList<int, Point3d> pntsDict = new SortedList<int, Point3d>();

        double min = Math.Min(Vertical_alignment_projection.GetLength(), Final_shape.GetLength() - (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing));
        double r = min / step;
        int range = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(r))+1;
        List<int> finalRange = Enumerable.Range(0, range).ToList();
        (onwerComponet as XMLGHCreateAlignment).UpdateMessage("Flowing curves - " + "\n" + "this may take a while.");

        // Ošetření, kdyby jedna z křivek končila dříve

        if ((onwerComponet as XMLGHCreateAlignment).MultiThreading)
            Parallel.ForEach(finalRange, R =>
                // Tady to funguje zvláštně.
                if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; }
                Curve VerAligProjection = Original.DuplicateCurve();
                Curve Finalshape = Final_shape.DuplicateCurve();
                Point3d Pnt1 = VerAligProjection.PointAtLength(R * step);
                Point3d Pnt2 = new Point3d(Pnt1.X, Pnt1.Y, 10000);
                Line Vertical_line = new Line(Pnt1, Pnt2);
                Point3d Pnt_horizontal_alignment = default;
                Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveLine(Original, Vertical_line, Rhino.RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance, Rhino.RhinoMath.ZeroTolerance)[0].PointA;
                //Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveCurve(Original, Vertical_line.ToNurbsCurve(), AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance, AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)[0].PointA;

                if (Math.Round((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing), 6) >= 0 || sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing + R * step >= 0)
                    if ((R == 0) && Math.Round((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing), 6) == 0.0)
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Finalshape.PointAtStart;
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Finalshape.PointAtLength((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing) + R * step);
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                    lock (pntsDict)
                        if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return; }
                        pntsDict.Add(R, Pnt_horizontal_alignment);
            foreach (int R in finalRange)
                if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return new SortedList<int, Point3d>(); }
                Curve VerAligProjection = Original.DuplicateCurve();
                Curve Finalshape = Final_shape.DuplicateCurve();
                Point3d Pnt1 = VerAligProjection.PointAtLength(R * step);
                Point3d Pnt2 = new Point3d(Pnt1.X, Pnt1.Y, 10000);
                Point3d Pnt_horizontal_alignment = default;
                Line Vertical_line = new Line(Pnt1, Pnt2);
                // Tohle vypočítá špatnou hodnotu. Zkusit nějak ještě zpřesnit pomocí Curve.ClosestPoint u vypočítaného a případěn křivku loftnout 
                // a udělat s Brep..... (nutno vyzkoušet a očůrat dané řešení)
                // Do výstupu a popisu napsat problém a případně do výstupu dát půdorys a niveletu..
                Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveCurve(Original, Vertical_line.ToNurbsCurve(), AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance, AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)[0].PointA;

                if (Math.Round((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing), 6) >= 0 || sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing + R * step >= 0)
                    if ((R == 0) && Math.Round((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing), 6) == 0.0)
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Finalshape.PointAtStart;
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Finalshape.PointAtLength((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing) + R * step);
                        Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                    lock (pntsDict)
                        if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return new SortedList<int, Point3d>(); }
                        pntsDict.Add(R, Pnt_horizontal_alignment);

            if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) {return new SortedList<int, Point3d>(); }
        double Len = default;

        // Řešení posledního bodu
        if ((sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing) >= 0)
            // Podélňák začíná pozdějí a končí dříve
             if (Vertical_alignment_projection.GetLength() + (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing) < Final_shape.GetLength())
                Len = Vertical_alignment_projection.GetLength();
                Point3d Pnt1 = Vertical_alignment_projection.PointAtLength(Len);

                Point3d Pnt2 = new Point3d(Pnt1.X, Pnt1.Y, 10000);

                Line Vertical_line = new Line(Pnt1, Pnt2);
                Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveCurve(Original, Vertical_line.ToNurbsCurve(), AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance, AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)[0].PointA;
                Point3d Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Final_shape.PointAtLength(Len + (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing));
                Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                pntsDict.Add(range, Pnt_horizontal_alignment);
            // Podélňák začíná pozdějí a končí pozdějí
                Len = Final_shape.GetLength();
                Point3d Pnt1 = Vertical_alignment_projection.PointAtLength(Len - (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing));

                Point3d Pnt2 = new Point3d(Pnt1.X, Pnt1.Y, 10000);

                Line Vertical_line = new Line(Pnt1, Pnt2);
                Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveCurve(Original, Vertical_line.ToNurbsCurve(), AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance, AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)[0].PointA;
                Point3d Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Final_shape.PointAtLength(Len);
                Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                pntsDict.Add(range, Pnt_horizontal_alignment); ;
            // Podélňák začíná dříve a končí dříve
            if (Vertical_alignment_projection.GetLength() + (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing) < Final_shape.GetLength())
                Len = Vertical_alignment_projection.GetLength();
                Point3d Pnt1 = Vertical_alignment_projection.PointAtLength(Len);

                Point3d Pnt2 = new Point3d(Pnt1.X, Pnt1.Y, 10000);

                Line Vertical_line = new Line(Pnt1, Pnt2);
                Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveCurve(Original, Vertical_line.ToNurbsCurve(), AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance, AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)[0].PointA;
                Point3d Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Final_shape.PointAtLength(Len + (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing));
                Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                pntsDict.Add(range, Pnt_horizontal_alignment);
            // Podélňák začíná dříve a končí později
                Len = Final_shape.GetLength();
                Point3d Pnt1 = Vertical_alignment_projection.PointAtLength(Len - (sectionStartStationing - planStartStationing));

                Point3d Pnt2 = new Point3d(Pnt1.X, Pnt1.Y, 10000);

                Line Vertical_line = new Line(Pnt1, Pnt2);
                Point3d Pnt_vertical_alignment = Intersection.CurveCurve(Original, Vertical_line.ToNurbsCurve(), AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance, AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)[0].PointA;
                Point3d Pnt_horizontal_alignment = Final_shape.PointAtLength(Len);
                Pnt_horizontal_alignment.Z = Pnt_vertical_alignment.Z;
                pntsDict.Add(range, Pnt_horizontal_alignment);
        if (CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { return new SortedList<int, Point3d>(); }
        return pntsDict;

In the attachments you can find test file (.gha library with custom components, gh file with the importing workflow and problem description and xml file). Regarding the differences in Z coordinates, calculated with from the profile curve (native Grasshopper components) are generally correct (compared to the road design data and xml data). That means that difference is born when
CurveCurve or CurveLine method is used. However, in other cases this method worked fine.

I understand that difference cannot be precisely 0.0 but 0.011 is quite high. We usually work with mm so difference up to 0.001 is ok.

Sorry for the length of my post, but I feel important to describe my intentions.

Hope, my problem is clearer.

Thank you for your time.


Test_file.gh (33.9 KB)
GH_XML_Alignment.gha (50 KB)
SO101__Alignment.xml (12.7 KB)

@PeterFotiadis, thank you for your advice and piece of code.

In The Name of Science and after my conclusion, that RhinoCommon intersection methods are not precise as I need, I tried your approach. Here is my piece of code (derived from your’s)

public static Point3d CurvePointPlanStationing(Curve curve, double stationing, int division = 10)
          Point3d result = default;
          curve.Domain = new Interval(0, 1);
          double[] T = curve.DivideByCount(division, true);
          for (int i = 0; i < T.Length - 1; i++)
              double x0 = curve.PointAt(T[i]).X;
              double x1 = curve.PointAt(T[i + 1]).X;
              Interval intv = new Interval(Math.Min(x0, x1), Math.Max(x0, x1));
              if (intv.IncludesParameter(stationing))

                  Curve segment = curve.Trim(T[i], T[i + 1]);
                  if (segment.GetLength() < AFRY_GH.Constants.Tolerances.DefaultTolerance)

                      result = curve.PointAt((T[i] + T[i + 1]) / 2);
                      result = CurvePointPlanStationing(segment, stationing, 10);

          return result;

It works very smoothly and clearly. Moreover, I am able to set required precision.

So thank you once more.
