RhinoCommon - AreaMassProperties - Bug?

Hi guys,

Just noticed that when using Compute method on the planar surface created from closed curve -Area property returns area of the untrimmed surface. Can you repeat it on your side?


Can you post your code and a file with the surface in it that is not correctly computed? I cannot reproduce this problem with the code below.

ObjRef bRef;
Result res = RhinoGet.GetOneObject("Select trimmed BREP", false, ObjectType.Surface, out bRef);
if (res != Result.Success)
    return res;

Brep b = bRef.Brep();
AreaMassProperties ampBrep = AreaMassProperties.Compute(b);
RhinoApp.WriteLine("{0}", ampBrep.Area);

return Result.Success;

Used surface instead of Brep.

Thanks, Menno.