Hi there,
Is there any possibility to create a plane using rhino3dmjs like with the RhinoCommon API?
I just can make it work with this but that’s not very useful.
const plane = new this.rhino.Plane.worldXY()
The same for primitives like Points, Vectors, …?
Thanks a lot!
(Luis Fraguada)
In js, vectors and points are represented by js array data types.
For example:
//create a point
const doc = new rhino.File3dm()
const ptA = [0, 0, 0]
//create a simple plane and modify it:
const plane = rhino.Plane.worldXY()
plane.origin = [10,20,10]
plane.xAxis = [1,0.2,3]
You are right that planes don’t have too much to them in js. I’ll add this to our todo list: Bind more functionality for Planes · Issue #568 · mcneel/rhino3dm · GitHub
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