Updating to this version of Rhino 8 SR6 (8.6.24101.5001, 2024-04-10) has broken an unchanged and previously working GH IronPython 2 script component.
Example attached:
Edit - code retracted
Updating to this version of Rhino 8 SR6 (8.6.24101.5001, 2024-04-10) has broken an unchanged and previously working GH IronPython 2 script component.
Example attached:
Edit - code retracted
How is it broken exactly? I don’t see an error in SR 7 8.7.24113.23001.
Ataraxia G-Code tool_path Visualizer scripting component
__author__ = "Leo Pedersen"
__version__ = "2024.01.20"
import Grasshopper.Kernel as gh
import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
import scriptcontext as sc
sc.doc = ghdoc
e = gh.GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error
arcs_centers_points = []
boolean_feed = []
float_drill_R_retract = 0.0
float_drill_Z_bottom = 0.0
int_rapid_dashes = 10
int_rapid_divisions = ((int_rapid_dashes - 1) * 2) + 1
int_T = 0
paths = []
point_current = rs.CreatePoint(point_start.X,point_start.Y,point_start.Z)
point_previous = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X,point_current.Y,point_current.Z)
str_arc_center_mode = "incremental"
str_mode = ""
def Main():
global curves_tool_path
global point_tool_path_end
curves_tool_path = paths
point_tool_path_end = rs.CreatePoint(point_current)
def process_Gcode():
for i in range(len(cut_Gcode)):
#print("line "+str(i)) # uncomment for debugging
str_block = str(cut_Gcode[i])
# substring block before comments
str_block = str_block[:str_block.find("(")]
if set_point_current(str_block):
global str_mode
#print str_mode # uncomment for debugging
if str_mode == "rapid":
elif str_mode == "feed line":
elif str_mode.find("arc") >= 0:
elif str_mode == "drill":
elif str_mode == "peck drill":
def set_mode(str_block):
global str_mode
# no mode change
if str_block.startswith("X"):
elif str_block.startswith("Y"):
elif str_block.startswith("Z"):
elif str_block.startswith("A"):
elif str_block.startswith("B"):
elif str_block.startswith("C"):
elif str_block.startswith("("):
# set movement mode
elif str_block.startswith("G00"):
str_mode = "rapid"
elif str_block.startswith("G01"):
str_mode = "feed line"
elif str_block.startswith("G02"):
str_mode = "feed arc clockwise"
elif str_block.startswith("G03"):
str_mode = "feed arc counterclockwise"
elif str_block.startswith("G80"):
str_mode = ""
elif str_block.startswith("G81"):
str_mode = "drill"
elif str_block.startswith("G83"):
str_mode = "peck drill"
# tool change
elif str_block.startswith("M06"):
# cutter radius
global float_cutter_diameter
global float_cutter_radius
int_diameter = str_block.find("Tool Change ") + 12
int_inch = str_block.find('"')
if int_inch != -1:
float_cutter_diameter = float(str_block[int_diameter:int_inch])
int_mm = str_block.find("mm")
if int_mm != -1:
float_cutter_diameter = float(str_block[int_diameter:int_mm]) * 0.03937
float_cutter_diameter = 0.125 # tolken diameter for center drills etc.
float_cutter_radius = float_cutter_diameter / 2
# set arc center mode (works in Mach4 but not UCCNC)
elif str_block.startswith("G90.1"):
str_arc_center_mode = "absolute"
elif str_block.startswith("G91.1"):
str_arc_center_mode = "incremental"
def set_point_current(str_block):
global point_current
global point_previous
global float_drill_Z_bottom
# detect position change for each axis
bool_movement = False
point_new = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X,point_current.Y,point_current.Z)
int_X_start = str_block.find("X") + 1
if int_X_start > 0:
bool_movement = True
int_X_end = str_block.find(" ", int_X_start)
point_new.X = float(str_block[int_X_start:int_X_end])
int_Y_start = str_block.find("Y") + 1
if int_Y_start > 0:
bool_movement = True
int_Y_end = str_block.find(" ", int_Y_start)
point_new.Y = float(str_block[int_Y_start:int_Y_end])
int_Z_start = str_block.find("Z") + 1
if int_Z_start > 0:
bool_movement = True
int_Z_end = str_block.find(" ", int_Z_start)
point_new.Z = float(str_block[int_Z_start:int_Z_end])
"""if "drill" in str_mode:
float_drill_Z_bottom = point_new.Z
point_new.Z = point_current.Z"""
int_A_start = str_block.find("A") + 1
if int_A_start > 0:
bool_movement = True
int_B_start = str_block.find("B") + 1
if int_B_start > 0:
bool_movement = True
int_C_start = str_block.find("C") + 1
if int_C_start > 0:
bool_movement = True
if bool_movement == False:
return False
point_previous = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X,point_current.Y,point_current.Z)
point_current = rs.CreatePoint(point_new.X,point_new.Y,point_new.Z)
return True
def G00_rapid():
global paths
global point_current
global point_previous
if rs.PointCompare(point_previous, point_current):
# rapid line
line = rs.AddLine(point_previous, point_current)
point_previous = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X,point_current.Y,point_current.Z)
def G01_feed():
global paths
global point_current
global point_previous
if rs.PointCompare(point_previous, point_current):
print "Error - G01 Feed distance 0"
line = rs.AddLine(point_previous, point_current)
point_previous = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X,point_current.Y,point_current.Z)
def G02_G03_arc(str_block):
global paths
global point_current
global point_previous
global str_arc_center_mode
point_arc_start = rs.CreatePoint(point_previous.X,point_previous.Y,point_previous.Z)
point_arc_end = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X, point_current.Y, point_current.Z)
# find arc center coordinate I
int_I_start = str_block.find("I") + 1
if int_I_start > 0:
int_I_end = str_block.find(" ", int_I_start)
float_arc_I = float(str_block[int_I_start:int_I_end])
if str_arc_center_mode == "incremental":
float_arc_center_X = point_arc_start.X + float_arc_I
elif str_arc_center_mode == "absolute":
float_arc_center_X = float_arc_I
ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(e, "Error: arc center I undefined.")
ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(e, "Error: can't find I coordinate for arc center point")
# find arc center coordinate J
int_J_start = str_block.find("J") + 1
if int_J_start > 0:
int_J_end = str_block.find(" ", int_J_start)
float_arc_J = float(str_block[int_J_start:int_J_end])
if str_arc_center_mode == "incremental":
float_arc_center_Y = point_arc_start.Y + float_arc_J
elif str_arc_center_mode == "absolute":
float_arc_center_Y = float_arc_J
ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(e, "Error: arc center J undefined.")
ghenv.Component.AddRuntimeMessage(e, "Error: can't find J coordinate for arc center point")
# find arc radius
float_arc_center_Z = point_arc_start[2]
point_arc_center = rs.CreatePoint(float_arc_center_X, float_arc_center_Y, float_arc_center_Z)
float_arc_radius = rs.Distance(point_arc_center, point_arc_start)
# find arc plane
if str_mode == "feed arc clockwise":
vector_plane_arc_axis_Z = [0,0,-1]
elif str_mode == "feed arc counterclockwise":
vector_plane_arc_axis_Z = [0,0,1]
vector_plane_arc_axis_X = rs.VectorCreate(point_arc_start, point_arc_center)
plane_arc_center = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point_arc_center, vector_plane_arc_axis_Z, vector_plane_arc_axis_X)
# check if arc is a circle or helix 360°
if point_arc_end.X == point_arc_start.X and point_arc_end.Y == point_arc_start.Y:
feed_arc = rs.AddCircle(plane_arc_center,float_arc_radius)
# create arc
vector_arc_start = rs.VectorCreate(point_arc_start,point_arc_center)
vector_arc_end = rs.VectorCreate(point_arc_end,point_arc_center)
float_arc_angle = rs.VectorAngle(vector_arc_start,vector_arc_end)
float_angle_direction = rs.VectorCrossProduct(vector_arc_start,vector_arc_end)[2]
if float_angle_direction < 0 and str_mode == "feed arc counterclockwise":
float_arc_angle = 360 - float_arc_angle
elif float_angle_direction > 0 and str_mode == "feed arc clockwise":
float_arc_angle = 360 - float_arc_angle
feed_arc = rs.AddArc(plane_arc_center, float_arc_radius, float_arc_angle)
# check if arc is helical
if point_arc_start.Z != point_arc_end.Z:
# check for closed circle
if rs.IsCurveClosed(feed_arc):
# split circle at start
circle_splits = rs.SplitCurve(feed_arc,0.000000001)
feed_arc = circle_splits[1]
# morph arc into helix
# get arc control points
points_arc = rs.CurvePoints(feed_arc)
float_knots_arc = rs.CurveKnots(feed_arc)
int_degree_arc = rs.CurveDegree(feed_arc)
float_weights_arc = rs.CurveWeights(feed_arc)
float_helix_depthZ = point_arc_end.Z - point_arc_start.Z
int_arc_points = len(points_arc)
int_stepsZ = int_arc_points - 1
float_stepZ = float_helix_depthZ / int_stepsZ
points_helix = []
float_knots_helix = []
float_weights_helix = []
# distribute control points through Z axis
for i in range(int_arc_points):
point_helix = [points_arc[i].X, points_arc[i].Y, points_arc[i].Z + (i * float_stepZ)]
feed_arc = rs.AddNurbsCurve(points_helix, float_knots_arc, int_degree_arc, float_weights_arc)
point_previous = rs.CreatePoint(point_current.X,point_current.Y,point_current.Z)
def G81_drill(str_block):
global float_cutter_radius
global float_drill_R_retract
global float_drill_Z_bottom
global paths
global point_current
global point_previous
global str_mode
# rapid to position at retract height
int_R_start = str_block.find("R") + 1
if int_R_start > 0:
int_R_end = str_block.find(" ", int_R_start)
float_drill_R_retract = float(str_block[int_R_start:int_R_end])
float_drill_Z_bottom = point_current.Z
point_current.Z = float_drill_R_retract
# drill feed to bottom
point_current.Z = float_drill_Z_bottom
plane_circle = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point_current, [0,0,1])
paths.append(rs.AddCircle(plane_circle, float_cutter_radius))
# drill rapid retract
point_current.Z = float_drill_R_retract
def G83_peck_drill(str_block):
global float_cutter_radius
global float_drill_R_retract
global float_drill_Z_bottom
global float_Q_peck
global paths
global point_current
global point_previous
global str_mode
#drill rapid to position at retract height
int_R_start = str_block.find("R") + 1
if int_R_start > 0:
int_R_end = str_block.find(" ", int_R_start)
float_drill_R_retract = float(str_block[int_R_start:int_R_end])
float_drill_Z_bottom = point_current.Z
point_current.Z = float_drill_R_retract
# drill pecking
int_Q_start = str_block.find("Q") + 1
if int_Q_start > 0:
int_Q_end = str_block.find(" ", int_Q_start)
float_Q_peck = float(str_block[int_Q_start:int_Q_end])
while point_current.Z >= (float_drill_Z_bottom + float_Q_peck):
point_current.Z = point_current.Z - float_Q_peck
plane_circle = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point_current, [0,0,1])
paths.append(rs.AddCircle(plane_circle, float_cutter_radius))
point_current.Z = float_drill_Z_bottom
plane_circle = rs.PlaneFromNormal(point_current, [0,0,1])
paths.append(rs.AddCircle(plane_circle, float_cutter_radius))
# drill rapid retract
point_current.Z = float_drill_R_retract
It’s broken in SR6.
Thanks for testing it in the SR7 release candidate James.
I’ll have to work in the SR7 release candidates until SR7 becomes the current release.
Hi @LeoPedersen ,
Can you try not to internalize the values for the “point_start” input. So just add an actual point to this point_start
input. Does warning about type conversion happen again? How does the warning message look like in that case?
Hi @djordje there is no change when I add a point to the point_start input. Error is identical.
I see. Sorry then for the dumb suggestion.