Rhino trouble with radius

In that example the loop would only be a closed loop if the cutter is one joined polysurface and the watch is one joined polysurface.

Yes. Now i only need to test the subsurfaces of the 1 or 2 picked polysurfaces.

The brep.ClosestPoint() function i’ve linked in that post can potentially give you 1 brepface back, together with the closest point near your test point (eg. a fillet corner point). But if the closest point falls on an edge, you won’t get all faces connected to this edge. Therefore the search (using a tolerance for the distance).

Thank you.

I cannot see a video posted, could you please tell me were it is? Is there a switch in the site settings, that I do not see it?

Hi @steff, i have no idea why this could fail and did not enable a special setting for it on discourse to view videos. If you cannot see one at post 116 and 121 it may be your browser. What do you use ?


In a way morally they do. If the bigger dogs bark, there must be something. Well, Rhino has established itself in an amazing selfpromoting way, and that usually only works with good things. We all know, that one can sell shit to the masses, with a big enough amount of words and eyes rolling for a certain time, and that then must come the next hipe is the way these people make a living. But not in this genre. And. Sigh. What I don’t know yet about Rhino might be quite achievedly be the bigger part, GH. Which is from a distant view a hypnotising wealth of possibililies, that pragmatic packages like SolidWorks can only dream of;-)
I must tell you, I do not use SolidWorks in the real world. I am sorry, if I gave you that impression. I had a look into it, when it was still possible, that’s a loong time ago, I never owned it, need’nt. My nephew got a topnotch education, Cornell, Pixar, is German, then with BMW, one time he asked steff, you really was with the first Rhino?..:wink: Tons of people know it by now. So just tell your clients quite agnostical: Buy it, learn it, it’s the hot shit!:wink: Honestly, äh, earnestly, there is one thing one tends to fall into with most software: Going one’ gone paths, and not exploring really all there is. I have had quite some moments with Rhino where I knew: There’s no soft in this world faster getting it. These other progs, they are like houses, I have to enter, and use stairs to get there, you know? And they might offer wonderfully featured compartments, where every special wish will be granted, and if one wasn’t granted this wish beforehand from Rhino, not without having met and tried it at different times of the day, then one might go over to that house, and seek relieve!:wink: Oh fuck, it’s springtime.
Another example: The gumball. There is exactly nothing in Rhino that you can’t do without it, but one had to do it kind of in the air, juggling with a cplane, a scale was always two clicks or so, a helping line drawn so fast, yep, that’s junk, you throw it out afterwards, it’s like juggling, it’s improvising too. With the gumball, it’s manufacturing. It’s an highly methodical approach, that centers my attention in a way, that let’s my dreaming sleep off. I do not use anymore the whole space there is, there are these little Sony fiddling switches. Yeah, well, I overstate. The gumball has advantages. But I wouldn’t need it. The first POVray was without gui. And worked relatively flawless. It’s: Why are you doing something. We all know by now, how, hm, simpleminded the idea is to produce more and more should be the fullfilling. And the you have the industry-designer that gets queer looks, if he isn’t up to what: Speed? The bosses idea of making more money? And his bosses idea, of even deceiving his customers, in order to keep the losses low. Automotive scandals. It’s got to do with Rhino. If it’s the way we go, and if there is anyway only one final destination, Rhino is about to bring ideas on the way.
Not productive maximation. Oh, the oldtimers here still cry, Rhino is faster. Not, if you want to have a car purzel out at the other side of the plant. Of course not without the help of the profaniteers;-) There was a schisma. No, not really. But Michael Gibson created a smaller bunch of functional flowers, his Moment of Inspiration, MOI Of course, you know it. There, it’s even clearer. It’s about ideas. The fucking money does not make my world go round. Surely not.


Thanks, clement. I don’t know, I just oversaw them. The numbers were helpful. Actually, I loved the old usenet groups, and I also have here , I don’t know, ten years or so archived, never had a problem finding stuff and so forth. And in the beginning here, uhh, it was so artifical and strange, but these endless threads have their charme, and the tools are sufficient. I think, efficiency has gone up. And OT a lot down. Said and went.

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where can i download it?
cant find that plug in for rhino 5 :frowning:


What happened to the fillet stuff?
The scripting solution was quite promising.
Or did McNeel adopt it?

Just curious…

You cannot buy VSR (Visual Shape Research aka Autodesk Shape Modelling) anymore.

Hi @Charles,

i currently do not have the resources to develop it further but will do once i have more time.

Start a crowd fund.:grinning:

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