Rhino SubD - new fixes and features in 9 Sep 2017 WIP

This is a known issue: https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-41629

@dalelear will know more about that.

Thanks, see edit above, I had to remove the setobjectdisplaymode.

I worked on this a bit yesterday. It should be fixed in a week or two in Rhino WIP for Windows.


Iā€™m assuming you want to use modifications to an ordinary Rhino mesh and Rhino history to control a SubD object and that is more useful to a particular workflow than simply turning on Rhino SubD grips with the PointsOn command. Is this assumption correct?

If so, then in the near future, ordinary Rhino history will work on the SubDFromMesh command, which will have the same result as the test option I removed and the added benefit that it doesnā€™t replace the original input mesh you had with something the test command cooked up. The bug issue is RH-41671.

Thanks, Dale.
I will try it straight after and deliver results of my testingā€¦

Hello Dale,

It would be great to post a short description of the current workflow needed to work with the sub-D features. so that I and other inexperienced sub-D fans could try it. I know you have done that a long time ago but it seems that the procedures to work with the Sub-D tools in the WIP have changed.
Keep up the great work.

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It is, because the control cage mesh can be manipulated and modified with mesh tools, and in some scenarios that will be beneficial. (And easy to adapt to for those who have subD mesh modelling backgrounds and want to move use that knowledge in an industrial environment.

The big wish in that regard is the ability to turn on and off the subdivision and the cage visibility. I think those options should be an object property in the properties page.

Hi Joao,
Iā€™ll work on putting a ā€œtry it outā€ section in the Rhino SubD status document (link at the top of this conversation). It will be about two weeks before this appears. Iā€™m out of the office this week.
ā€“ Dale Lear

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I added your request to our bug tracking system. https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-41693

ā€“ Dale Lear

I put this request in our bug tracking system so it actually gets fixed in a timely manner.
ā€“ Dale Lear

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Many thanks Dale.

Glad to see the continued development on sub-d modelling in rhino from mcneel.
As users have mentioned above, we really do need (better) retopology tools in rhino, at the moment I do my retopo-ing in maya/3dcoat or other mesh-based programs, so Iā€™m happy to see more of a focus on this.

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First time I try and model something with SubD, it seems like a lot of fun with great potential.

There seems to be some weird mesh preview due to the nature of the modelling (file is attached)

Some things that I find that would be useful would be the following:
1.- Ability to toggle between the different orientations of the gumball. There might be an option for this but I am not aware. Ideally when I select and vertex, edge or face it would be great to just tap the space bar to change the orientation.
2.- When modelling I am either changing vertices or edges or faces (iā€™ve been turning the filter on and off but feels slow as in the process) I am sure there are better ways. Just opening up the discussion.
3.- Would like the ability to toggle between the mesh and the subd in the near future.
4.- Loop edge selection similar to the U/V selection on the nurbs surfaces. Double clicking or something along those lines.

To be honest so far so good. Looking forward to using it.

Klein Bottle.3dm (72.0 KB)


I suspect that might be due to the Klein bottle being non-orientable, leading to inconsistent normal directions in the ā€œhandleā€ part, causing the odd looking dark faces.

I am sure that the non-orientable surface is the issue, but the SubD displays nicely and I thought I should raise the issue, that is all.

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Hello @dalelear

Would like to clarify - will this option (RH-40392) available also in SubDivide command?


Hi @dalelear,

I see that RH-40392 is still open.
When should we expect to see it fixed in WIP?


Since the only ā€˜officialā€™ answer you are going to get on this one is ā€œbefore the release of Rhino 7ā€, perhaps holding your breath isnā€™t all that good of an idea.

This stuff is great!
Just one question in doing a subd to polysurface by toNurbs command.
Tried it out in the Rhino Icon and got some naked edges.(not so difficult to fix up) but wanted
to know if thereā€™s like a loose-setting or something that takes care of the naked edges?


great stuff. A few comments for workflow:

  • would be cool to toggle between mesh and surface mode
  • selection of edges and faces should also be possible on the control polygons
  • when control points are on it still possible to select the subd surface which is wired to work with
    ideally all of this in V6 :wink:
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