Rhino and Lands Design together provide a complete package for landscape design, modeling, and documentation.
Asuni has organized a course on Rhino and Lands Design for the last quarter of 2021. The course is ideal for those landscape architects and designers who are not familiar with Rhino. It provides them the basic knowledge of landscape drawing and modeling with Rhino and Lands Design.
- The class comprises six modules and a total of twelve hours.
- Scholars and students can benefit from a 50% discount on this course.
- Course start date: October 19, 2021
- Time: 17h-19h GMT+2 (10h-12h US Central Time)
- Language: English
- Price: 360€+VAT (Students 50% off)
Complete info and registration…
Posted Sep 23, 2021 by Carlos Perez on Rhino News, etc.