to see that one special case finally made it to be found by filletEdge.
(at the left, 4 surfaces meet at one point at the edge to fillet, a small section is needed - blue in my screenshot)
thanks for this (Rh7 update ?)
but the other case still is not found by _filletEdge
if a surface is touched by the fillet, but is not part of the edge
_filletEdge fails.
the red fillet is not found by _filletEdge it has to be done manually by _filletSrf
it would be possible to detect:
if the rolling ball touches additional edges - they might have to be analysed as well.
latest if filleting / trimming the edge fails, it should be possible to analyse the offsets of the surfaces.
all corresponding surface offsets that intersect are affected by the fillet
somehow the algorithms are already there:
applying _offsetSrf (to the back) 20
applying _offsetSrf (outside) 20
the fillet is there…
maybe this helps to improve _filletEdge
thanks, kind regards - tom