Rhino DWG import after update loses information

Hello everyone,

I have to say straight away that I won’t be able to share the files, however I work very often with .dwg files which I open in Rhino and there was no problem at all most of the times. This time I saw every file from the client is having missing files (files are just made of blocks, but inside the information is missing). I checked it twice on colleague’s computer which has outdated version of Rhino 7 (did not install some of last updates) and there the file opened without a problem. Moreover - I copied the plugin responsible for DWG import from her computer to mine and then suddenly my rhino was able to imoprt these DWG’s with no problem…

Is there something that was changed in the meantime? By the digital certificates under those files I can see that they were signed at two different times, and the size of both plugins is definitely different, so maybe I can point towards some issue here.

Yes, apparently there is a problem with the latest version of the importer - based on a third party library that they use. They are working on a fix for this currently.

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Thanks! That confirms my suspicion :slight_smile: Will wait then for a solution…