Hello, I’ve been talking with Jody and Jackie from North and South American Regions about Rhino ART courses that were upcoming this year. I’ve been told that because of the Covid-19 situation, North American Region is scheduling an Online ART course in November, but as it is intended only for that region, South American Region is still uncovered.
I was wondering if there were any plans of giving Online ART Courses in all regions, as it would be really helpful for those of us who live far from the usual training locations, to be able attend to the course without having to fly such long distances (I am currently living in Argentina, which is 4700 miles from Florida).
In case it is not a priority, which I completely understand, I wondered if there could be made an exception for this particular case, so North American Region Course could be accessible despite being in another region (as long as there is still a seat available, of course).
I don’t think the people that need to see this will find this message here.
Each McNeel Region is run very independently so a message to Jody for North America, Jackie for Latin America, or Delia for Europe would probably get more attention.
No, not at all.
All the regions work together for developing shared training materials, tests, and the like.
Each region setups up and schedules their own training and testing.
For example, Seattle, Barcelona, and Miami all use the same training materials, but each region schedules, arranges for, and conducts that actual training independently.
Seattle does not schedule classes for Barcelona.