Rhino App server - How to draw curves?

How can I draw curves and move geometries on Rhino app server? Any ideas?

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I’m using three.js for most of this stuff and in a last step translate it back to rhino. Like this, you have already the data structure for displaying the curves in 3d. If you only need 2d I’m using D3.js for displaying hight res curves. But in general, there is a fair bit of work involved.

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As I mentioned here, ShapeDiver will soon have a functionality that might fit your needs. Have a look and let me know if you are interested in beta testing it!

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We use threejs to render Rhino objects on the web. This happens by converting rhino objects to threejs objects with the 3dmLoader. If you have a rhino file with curves or a set of curves you pass through the 3dmLoader, they will get converted to threejs objects and will be rendered.

How is it that you want to move things? Do you want to drag things around like you can do in Rhino?