Rhino 8 - Yak install command fails

Dear all,

I am using Rhino 8 SR15 (8.15.25013.13001, 2025-01-13) and rh815sdk_8.15.25013.13001.msi to build and deploy C++ plugins. When I tried to use:

“c:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System\Yak.exe” install --source “C:\Users\XXX\MyRhinoPlugin1\yak” MyRhinoPlugin1

I got the following error:

ERROR: Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Runtime.Caching, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a’. The system cannot find the file specified.

Following this discussion Installing package for Rhino 8 using Yak.exe I copied https://files.mcneel.com/yak/tools/latest/yak.exe into my C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\System and the yak install command worked.

What is the best workaround for distributing plugins? Am I correct in saying that I need to replace the Yak.exe bundled with Rhino with the version from https://files.mcneel.com/yak/tools/latest/yak.exe on every computer where I distribute my plugin?

Many thanks,


Hey @nfg ,

Sorry for the issues. You can download yak from the link, but you don’t need to move it from the download location. The download is to an older version.

I’ve created a ticket for your issue - https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-85606/Yak-fails-to-due-DLL-conflict

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Thank you for reporting this exception. RH-85602 has been fixed and will ship with the next service release of Rhino, 8.16. The next service release candidate is scheduled for Tuesday.

If you need to use a self-contained yak.exe, please grab one from the link below. This is the version that shipped with Rhino up until 8.14.

I’m hoping to have better documentation for these self-contained/standalone yak executables soon.