Rhino 8 > where's the calculator?

Hey guys, what happened to the calculator? It is gone from v 8 on both Mac and PC.

It is coming in a future SR … or just gone for good?

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Hi Dave - it should be there - in the toolbars here
Or the Calc and CalcRPN commands.


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It’s in Windows V8 but not in Mac.
It must be written in an incompatible language.

V7 Mac didn’t have Calc either.

Wow! I’m losing it. I could have sworn it was NOT there in 8 SR1, but I am very happy to be wrong. Using 8 SR 3.

I usually right-click on the side panel and, of course, it is working perfectly there as well. My only guess is that I might have selected toolbars instead of panels

Thanks, @pascal

Hello Dave,

I had the same issue, I have rhino 8 for Windows, and I assure you that it was not there when I searched it in panels ! :sweat_smile:

It appeared after I clicked on the Calculator’s icon in the options bar.

Thanks for the help, I am happy that the calculator is still in the new version.


Yup! It has been somewhat inconsistent for me as well … which is the most embarrassing kind of bug.

But, version 8 does seem to be getting better with each SR.