Rhino 8 missing block instance count confirmation

In Rhino 7, when selecting blocks in the block manager, you get a nice confirmation telling you how many instances could be selected in the model’s current state.

It’s sadly entirely missing in Version 8 SR3 (8.3.24009.15001, 2024-01-09).


Was this removal intentional? It’s extremely useful to my workflow, as I usually know the counts I have, and this helps a lot to notice when something is wrong or missing.

If not a prompt like Rh7 had, could Rh8 at least report the instances it was able to select in the command line at the top?

Hi Duncan - I see this, thanks - I’d say the selection report should be on the command line like any other selection.

RH-80103 BlockManager: report selection at the command line


Excellent Pascal, thank you. I would agree with the command line being the ideal spot.

Hi Duncan -

As I mentioned in a different thread where you participated, the 8.5 version has changes to the block manager:

The number of instances in the scene is always visible; you don’t have to click an extra button just to see this number.

Hi Wim, that’s good, but not the concern of this topic: to see how many blocks were selectable when the select command from the BM was used.

These counts won’t regard hidden or locked state. Essentially the same as ‘SelBlockInstanceNamed’.

Hi Duncan - True, sorry. Reading too fast, I only got “count”.

For now, when you use the Select Instances menu option in the BM, you will see how many were selected in the Properties panel.

