I recently moved to/from the dark side of Rhino - I’m now a Mac user … again !
On Windows I had some python commands I wrote and used them very often.
I’d be very glad to transfer them onto the Mac. Are they 1-to-1 compatible? If so, where should I store them?
Python scripts written for Rhino on Windows are generally compatible with Rhino for Mac. Howevet there are some things to keep in mind like filepaths, file storage, winforms… Those won’t work on Mac since It handles them differently.
Generally speaking for most scripts you should be good to go
You can load the scripts as you would normally do on windows, what I meant is that if the scripts reference filepaths etc that could be a point where the crossplatform compatibility might need to be slightly revised.
Example case it if you are referencing specific folders in the script, lets say that you take some symbols from the C:/disk/blabla/librarypath/x.3dm then that won’t work on MacOS.
I’m talking about the python commands which can be used directly as a command in Rhino. On Windows they are saved under: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\McNeel\Rhinoceros\8.0\Plug-ins\PythonPlugins\pluginname\dev (“see” the link above which doesn’t work…)