Rhino 8, GH, Red Screen of death

So, I’m trying to get my Plug-in (written in GH) working on Rhino 8.

I do a ‘loop’ operation to pass some data from the the end of my code back to the beginning to adjust a couple of parameters - Area and Aspect Ratio.

When I do this looping operation in R7 everything runs fine.

In R8 I get the error “An error occured in the display pipeline” and the canvas goes red/component disappear.

After that it is a 50/50 if my code will stay running.

Any ideas on how to track the issue down?



Image 274
Image 275

Seems to be a issue with the [Point On Curve] object. If you replace those with a slider + eval curve component, does the problem go away?

Meanwhile I’ll have a look at that object to see where it might go wrong.

Hi David,

I’m currently in my office and trying to get the error to happen again, and can’t, I really hate it when that happens…

I’ll get back to you as soon as I find it again.



Image 351


I need to get back to this issue, my #1 beta tester is getting the above error about once every two hours while using my plug-in with Rhino 8, we never had/never have the same error in Rhino 7.

Could you give my some ideas of how to track the issue down?



This message is printed when an exception happens while components are performing some custom drawing to the Rhino viewport (during DrawViewportWires or DrawViewportMeshes). Do you have custom components that use these functions?

Also, are you able to repeat the exception on your computer or does it only happen on the beta testers computer?

Hi Steve,

I’ll need to go looking at what components draw my Rhino previews - I have to admit its been a few years since I looked at anything on the Rhino preview end of my code. I do believe I’m using some 3rd party components to get some ‘nice’ materials/colours.

Here are all the plugins currently used in my production code:

Kangaroo2 Components

I do my development on Rhino 7 as I want to keep Rhino 7 compatibility for my clients for at least the next few years.

I would like to say I’ve never seen the error on R7 but only 10min ago I did experience it on my development machine.

I’ll poke around a little more and see if I can find a repeatable problem to test.



Looks like I’m just using the stock “Custom Preview” components for my display - nothing custom.



Could this be related to what I’m seeing?

I may be using the Human display components for custom outputs



This display pipeline issue appears to have been sorted in R8.5, thanks team!
