Rhino 8 Feature: Rhino Render Updated

it doesn’t process Xml material when Raytraced.
but it does render it. I also noticed some despersion.
Diamond6.rmtl (44.9 KB)

XML materials aren’t priority right now, so not supported yet.

I was able to make a good dispersion. thank you for the Grasshopper plugin (Shader). it’s marvellous.


I would love to know which Plugin is this? [shader]

thanks a lot

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As mentioned GhShaderNodes materials aren’t supported. I will likely pull the plug-in until there is a better solution.

It Gives a long list of unsupported stuff [on the Mac WIP]
[As Nathan wrote, it’s not supported].
Yet your results with the diamond are very nice.

although I couldn’t run the grasshopper plugin on Rhino8. Please don’t remove it, even though Xml doesn’t work correctly on 8 Rhino, but it can be rendered. it’s better than nothing. :pleading_face:

I prefer these settings. Realistic glass refrection or crystal shader in blender 3.0 eevee - YouTube my result

I’ve noticed a problem in Rhino 8.

problemUntitled.3dm (356.6 KB)

There was a studio option. Has it been cancelled!

the render presets were not up to what we envisioned and have been taken out of V8. The hdri environments that were used to create these however, will still ship with V8.


I assume this refers to AMD cards, not nvidia cards, right? I have some render work ahead and I would like to know roughly how big of a speed gain I could expect (rtx3080), if I install the wip8. I’m already happy with the renderspeed when using optix. if the speedup for the 3080 is less than 20%, i would’t care and keep using rh7. though if it’s more, i’d be tempted to give wip8 a try.

It perhaps depends a bit on the scene, but for instance my old Raft from Raft on Sea in Rhino 7 renders 1500 samples at 1600x600 resolution in 4 minute 7. On Rhino 8 it took a little under 15 seconds - granted, there are some errors still that need to be fixed, but it is quite a bit faster.

Time to get first pixel on the screen is also considerably faster since Rhino Render doesn’t do texture baking anymore for procedurals, those are now natively supported. Additionally image loading is blazingly fast for the renderer.

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okay, well looks like i gotta give wip8 a try.

the efficiency increase is truly amazing. thank you Nathan!

@andy i overlooked that comment being so hyped about the gpu cores. what options are you investigating regarding caustics, is there anything you can/want to talk about already?

Whatever Cycles offers.


:face_in_clouds: like Zeus throwing lightning…

i did not follow the alternative pathways of cycles too much which were close to 0? i mean there was something cooking but i assumed that would not be considered worth implementing. so is there anything useful on the horizon at all when Andy quoted this ?

Haven’t had time to dive into it myself, but https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=blender+cycles+caustics&sp=EgIIBQ%253D%253D may give some ideas of what I’d be looking at. Possibly path guiding together with the caustics that already exists in Cycles.