Rhino 8 - Can’t extrude with the gumball

i can’t extrude, Cut line with gumball, i tried for gumball when aligned to cplane and aligned to object in Rhino8.

this issue for specific file which is upgraded from Rhino 7 units are meter, when convert to millimeter it worked!!, when i tried new file it worked!!
any ideas why ??

Hi Fathy_Gad,

I created a box in Rhino 7 Meters and opened in Rhino 8 for push pull, no issues.

We’ll need additional details to try to replicate. Thanks

tst.3dm (83.7 KB)
@Japhy please check attached file.

I selected and gumballed, can you add some steps to reproduce?

Note that i did get these notices when opening. Disabling 3rd party plugins can be done in File>Properties>Plugins

is this rhino 8 ?