Hi there I am curious to exchange ideas or simply get feedback from the community here on what is your best practice if any, to avoid double modeling things from Revit / Rhino or in general to save time during design options studies.
One, i am sure a lot of people think that, could in theory do everything in Revit, but I still miss the ability to quick sketch things in revit, sometimes the model is too complex or slow to do that, or simply doing things in 3d without setting too many parameters or taking care of too many things in advance it is still not possible in Revit. So I find my self to prefer Rhino over Revit for pure design tasks. And since the projects with specialist and sometimes by contract run in Revit, i cannot fully switch to Rhino.
Till now my main use of Rhino.inside is pratty basic: I import the geoemtry from Revit and I work it out the design options in Rhino. The Revit Design Options is sometimes still painfull ( model to big or too complex). For a small detail, or form a quick design option feedback I most of the time import the simple geometry , adding or modifying more elements, and I work the scene setting out, and this last step is the time consuming part.
I basically end up having two models, one is the planning one in Revit and one in Rhino as the “designing model”. This can lead most of the time to do double work, and it is of course annoying. I would rather save time in the process like I see it is possible to Import materials but I haven´t tried yet since i am not that much in texturing with Revit, but i will probably get there.
As i see from this old post here this is exactly one of the initial intent that moved the Rhino.inside purpose, basically to use Rhino to overcome Revit´s limitation. Just to be clear I am not looking for heavy duty computational specialist level work flows, but more at easy mainly “opportunistic” designer / architect level workflows that could help save time in the design for both sofware.
thanks in advance for any feedback!