Reset Engine, [Python script] What does it mean? and how to fix it?

Tried to modify a script [a little]
got this error message Reset Engine

It has since expended to other scripts that are invoked from a button.
[if I call the same scripts via “Run Python Script” they work fine.

Other scripts that were added to the my custom toolbar before the error massage first appeared, still runs fine.

There were 2 events [around the time the error first appeared] that are perhaps related…?

  1. I tried to install the Euglena GH plugin, it installs Python 3.9 which now run as a process when Rhino WIP is open.
  2. I tried to edit a version of a script in MacVim Editor, but that was a copy stored in a different location, [not linked to a buttons and not in the Scripts Folder]
  • clicking the reset engine button does nothing.

thanks a lot

Hi @Gijs
Would you be willing when you have time, to look at this Reset Engine thing…
I have not heard of or seen this in the past… and couldn’t find any info regarding this.
It’s not following a logic I can see, so it feels like a bug.

thanks a lot

Have you tried uninstalling the Euglena GH plugin? Seems like something to try to see if it is related.

I removed it, at lease all the parts I could find [it is any way not currently working on Mac.]

But the reset engine error is the same,

I also removed that editor [MacVit]

the 3rd event was that Euglena also install python 3.9.
I’m not sure how to uninstall that package [The WIP suppose to support it according to what I read]

thanks a lot


I’m digging around the rhino source to try and find this dialog and coming up empty. Is this happening in Rhino 7 or the Rhino 8 WIP?

In the WIP. [I didn’t even instal 7 on this new Mac]

*I may have try to describe the same in the first post but to recap:
It only happens to scripts invoked via a button. But only from a certain point in time, meaning other scripts that were linked to buttons earlier, still works normally.
And the same scripts that gives the error in the buttons, they work fine if I call them via the RunPythonScript command .

thanks a lot

Try restarting Rhino and see if you can repeat the issue without running Grasshopper. I’m trying to eliminate the possibility of Euglena having any effect.

Hi Steve
The error is happening in Rhino, [with GH closed]
Tried to show here how it give the error to one button, while an [earlier button starts a script with no errors]

thanks a lot

Does it make a difference if you have the command line docked?

[Actually I have that [hatful] thing disabled, it just keeps reappearing on every new document.]
Yes the error is same also when the command thing is docked.

The Reset Engine issue is still blocking me from using buttons to run scripts.

And now with an added 2nd error massage. [this ‘_NoEcho’ error was not there at the time of the initial reported about the Reset Engine issue… ]

Both error mention NoEcho, was there a change in the way Rhino likes to read Macros ?
I tried to remove _NoEcho from the Macro, just to see if it makes a difference to the error massages … and it does not.

thanks a lot

this problem still exist.

any ideas…?

thanks a lot

hi @Akash I cannot repeat the issue you are seeing. What is the way you are opening these scripts? Can you show me the macro you are using? Can you post the script as well that is causing this issue?

Here’s is one of @Helvetosaur great scripts I use a lot
that’s the macro to run the script from the button
! _NoEcho _-RunPythonScript "/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/scripts/MMT/SpheresToPoints”

The Script will run correctly if I call it from with the command RunPythonScript.

other script that I assigned to buttons have the same issue.

the problem begun I think when I installed a Python 3 package that was part of a GH plugin. I ended up deleting the plugin [Euglena] as it wasn’t Mac compatible … But I can’t find where that python package is on my computer? …
If it is indeed what is causing the issue?

thanks a lot

my search engine says:

On macOS, Python is typically installed in the /Library/Frameworks/Python. framework/Versions directory, with different versions contained in their respective subfolders (e.g., /Library/Frameworks/Python. framework/Versions/3.9 for Python 3.9).

you are missing the .py? (although… seems to work here as well)

thanks for looking into this @Gijs

I Guess that because we ask Rhino to run a Python script, it already knows that it is a Python file and is not asking for the .py… but I can try to add this to the macro. thanks.

  • edit: adding the .py to the macro didn’t help.

and I can’t see any Python packs in Rrameworks…?



Rhino 8 SR0 2023-9-26 (Rhino 8 BETA, 8.0.23269.15064, Git hash:master @ e4cc5068632f42fb560d3418a2112465b4a0acec)
License type: Commercial, build 2023-09-26
License details: Cloud Zoo
Expires on: 2023-11-10

Apple macOS Version 13.5.2 (Build 22G91) (Physical RAM: 96Gb)
Mac Model Identifier: Mac14,6
Language: en-TH (MacOS default)
.NET 7.0.0

Metal GPU Family Apple 7
Metal GPU Family Common 3
Metal GPU Family Mac 2
Graphics processors
Apple M2 Max
Color LCD (1728 x 1117 @ 120.00Hz)

USB devices

Bluetooth devices

Third party kernel extensions

Third party plugins
/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/bella_rhino.rhp/libbella_dotnet_native.dylib
/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/8.0/IntelDenoiser/0.6.7/libtbb.12.dylib
/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/8.0/IntelDenoiser/0.6.7/libOpenImageDenoise.1.4.3.dylib

Rhino plugins that do not ship with Rhino
/Applications/ “Model IO Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/bella_rhino.rhp “Bella”
/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/packages/8.0/IntelDenoiser/0.6.7/IntelDenoiser.Mac.rhp “IntelDenoiser.Mac”

Rhino plugins that ship with Rhino
/Applications/ “Renderer Development Kit” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Commands” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Snapshots” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Import_OBJ” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “RhinoCodePlugin” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “export_xaml” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “QuadRemesh” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “export_OBJ” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “RDK_EtoUI” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Import glTF” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “ShrinkWrap” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Export SVG” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Export glTF” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “MeshCommands” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Export_DAE” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “PDF Export” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “IGES Export Plug-in” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Import_SVG” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “BlockEdit” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Export_AMF” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Rhino Render” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Import_DST” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “PLY - Polygon File Format Export” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Import_AMF” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “RhinoCycles” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “SketchUp Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Moray Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “RAW Triangle Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Export USD” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “MicroStation file import: import_DGN” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “E57 Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “VRML Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “AnimationTools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “WAMIT import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Named Position” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “SketchUp Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “SectionTools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Raw Triangles Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “MPlane” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “XGL Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Legacy Rhino Render” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Cult3D Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Lightwave Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “SLC Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “import_3MF” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “STEP Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “export_3MF” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “WAMIT Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “SLC Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “OFF Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Squish” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Parasolid Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Rhino Bonus Tools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Rhino Labs Tools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Import_M” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “X Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “IGES Import Plug-in” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Adobe Illustrator Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “AutoCAD file export : export_ACAD” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Displacement” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Lightwave Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “ACIS Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Comma Separated Value Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “PDFReader” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “STL Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “VDA Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “STEP Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Export_FBX” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Solidworks Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “STL Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Renderman Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Import_FBX” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Points Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “VDA Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “AutoCAD file import: import_ACAD” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “X Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “CreaseAngle” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “3D Studio Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “PLY - Polygon File Format Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “MeshTools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “Points Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “PanelingTools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “MeshFromPoints” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “VRML/X3D Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “GTS Triangle Import” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “SolidTools” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “GTS Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “POV-Ray Export” 8.0.23269.1002
/Applications/ “IronPython” 8.0.23269.15064
/Applications/ “Grasshopper” 8.0.23269.15064

You say it happens after running some other scripts that don’t have this issue, can you send one of those that trigger this bug? It almost looks like when you are pressing the button that it is still running something and therefore gives the message that ‘_noecho’ is not defined (735 Bytes)

That’s the one [it’s from Mitch’s MMT collection ] shown in the little video on my earlier reply.

Another detail is that scripts assigned to commands easier [before the breakpoint happened ]. are still running correctly from assigned tool buttons !
here’s is one from the same location and same MMT collection from Mitch

! _NoEcho _-RunPythonScript “/Users/akashlotan/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/scripts/MMT/QuadMirrorOriginWHistory”

I just noticed something else. Make sure you only use these double quotes:


and not these:

Using the above double quote at the end, I get the Reset Engine popup!

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